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There are challenges and benefits to synchronous and asynchronous learning formats.  It is important to develop skills and plans that work effectively for both types of learning formats. 

I've learned that maintaining an active and engaging discussion board is crucial for keeping students connected and motivated in an online learning environment. By continuously adding fresh content, asking thought-provoking questions, and inviting students to participate, we can encourage a steady flow of dialogue and interaction. I intend to apply this by proactively monitoring discussion boards, stepping in whenever conversations seem to slow down, and bringing in relevant resources or new perspectives to keep the discussion dynamic. This approach not only enriches the learning experience but also fosters a stronger sense of community among students.

One question I have is: Are there specific types of content or questions that tend to be most effective in re-engaging students in an online discussion? I’d also love to hear any tips others have on managing multiple active discussion threads in a way that feels natural and not overwhelming.

Interesting guidelines to address synchronous and asynchronous meetings.  I usually address synchronouse meetings with a video session, so I try to act as if I was in a traditional classroom.  However, asynchronous meetings have always been a challenge.  The guidelines will help me deal with them.

I find it very useful to delve into the differences and advantages of asynchronous discussions. I emphasize that they allow a deep reflection by the students through writing and that it facilitates the participation of more introverted students. 

The importance of active participation of students in learning sessions, as well as the feedback that we must give them.

Learn how to engage and deliver synchronous and asynchronous discussions with your students,

Es muy interesante la comparación entre reuniones sincrónicas y asincrónicas y lo importante que es la participación de los estudiantes para ellos, ambas fueron herramientas de aprendizaje útiles.

En este módulo, he aprendido diversas estrategias para fomentar la participación activa de los estudiantes en un entorno de aprendizaje en línea. Comprendí la importancia de adaptar las discusiones, tanto asincrónicas como sincrónicas, para facilitar el intercambio de ideas y mantener el enfoque en los temas clave. También aprendí que la retroalimentación es fundamental para mantener motivados a los estudiantes y debe ser constructiva y oportuna, especialmente en la educación en línea, donde la comunicación no verbal es limitada.

Voy a aplicar este conocimiento asegurándome de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo y estructurado, donde cada estudiante sienta mi presencia y apoyo. Implementaré normas de etiqueta en las discusiones y usaré recordatorios para mantener la participación constante. Además, proporcionaré retroalimentación individualizada y alentadora para que los estudiantes se sientan comprometidos y valorados en su proceso de aprendizaje

Learning differences between synchronous and asynchronous, and the participation of students. 

I have to start providing feedback in a timely matter, and keep encouraging the learners to continue to pursue the objectives of the course because I do find that sometimes they tend to become uninterested or dont care to finish what they started 

Learning the difference between synchronous an asynchronous session and strategies. Identification of the different learning styles and the strategies to encourage participation during the discussions. We also learned the guidelines to evaluate discussions. 

Aprendì que como instructor debo saber que palabras utilizar para dar retroalimentaciones a los alumnos, siendo que debo cuidar su dignidad y no desmotivarlos. Tambièn, debo saber como motivarlos a que puedan participar en los foros, como tambièn en las actividades sincrònicas y asincrònicas.

Determining each student's preferred method of learning can change how they interact and take part of forums. Students are more likely to feel more comfortable to express themselves and ask questions when small groups are formed. 

Student Learning styles are different for each student and the level of degree of the styles also varies. Online learning is combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous learning and using both is the hybrid approached to modern learning. CMS Online Learning focuses on fostering participation in both Synchronous and Asynchronous learning, knowing how to drive interaction through the media content will determine the level of learning, the higher the interaction the more learning.

How to engage with students and keep discussions active through various means


In this segment, I identified ideas for developing effective engagement in synchronous and asynchronous environments. Asynchronous discussions are ideal for complex and critical learning, allowing for greater depth of analysis even if they require more time. On the other hand, synchronous discussions demand shorter intervals and facilitate socialization among participants.

It is important to remember the sensitivity of the students on the other end of all communications and course wide comments. 

Feedback is essential and should be given in an encouraging manner not demeaning.  Lack of facial expressions and immediate feedback can make the communication harder or misread, therefore it is better to give it as soon as possible and clear and concise without being misconstrued.

The importance of discussions in asynchrounous learning.

I have learned some of the methods for keeping students engaged in the online setting. 

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