I liked learning the difference between asynchronous dicussion and synchronous. I think it helps to better understand how to get the student to their individual highest potential.
Feedback is important. It is just as important to give your students feedback as it is for them to give you feedback on your instruction/course.
This lesson we learned the different between synchronous and asynchronous - or when discussions occur during together at a specific time (like in a chat) vs. when they occur in a board format at the students leisure. We also learned the 6 different styles of students learning, and how to communicate best with them.
This lesson we learned the different between synchronous and asynchronous - or when discussions occur during together at a specific time (like in a chat) vs. when they occur in a board format at the students leisure. We also learned the 6 different styles of students learning, and how to communicate best with them.
I learned how to facilitate both synchronous and asynchronous discussions as well as how to effectively give feedback to students.
Knowing that everyone learns differently, using asynchronous and synchronous discussions will allow everyone the opportunity to participate. As teachers, we like for our students to participate and they learn in the process.
Feedback should be worded in way to encourage participation, confidence, and motivation. Feedback should also be constructive criticism if there is a need.
In Module 3, my main take aways are the benefits of asynchronous and synchronous discussions and the red flags to avoid when utilizing synchronous discussions. I plan to implement the strategies for effectiveness that were reviewed and I will definitley be soliciting feedback from my students.
I've always thought that the use of "LOL," smiley faces, etc. was unprofessional to use in email communication, so I felt these should be avoided in online discussions. However, I'm learning that students may feel more connected, less intimidated, and better able to understand each other's intent with these allowed. I feel that I should specify which "tone" I would like for different assignments (i.e. conversational/emojis allowed versus professional) to incorporate different types of communication.
It is good to promote participation and encouragement.
I learned the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous discussions. I look forward to implimenting both and learning how and when to use each more affectively.
I learned when to use asynchronous and synchronous discussions in an online course. I also liked the idea of only responding to larger topics as an instructor as compared to each individual, to increase collaboration and communication amongst course participants.
Learned how to develop a chat room with students to enable them to participate effectively and for the instructor get proper feedback from the session.
Responses must be timely. I also like that using emojis and abbreviations are encouraged as a way to communicate.
Techniques and strategies to accommodate participation in both synchronous and asynchronus discussions were useful
I have used discussion boards in my curent coutse and they have definitely been useful in promoting exchange if ideas amongst my students and I will continue to use them
Yes I have always felt that synchronous meetings are used to accomplish more than they should. Asynchronous works much better. Now having said that, I do feel like there are times for synchronous meetings as well but more just to build a sense of community.
The importance of student's interactions with each other using these different methods of communication and how effective feedback from the instructor can be.
One of the reasons I enjoy engaging in discussion forums is it does allow students to be more "deliberate and detailed in composing their contributions." It's great when students decided to respectfully challenge what classmates say and take time to support their beliefs. It is joyous when the discussions go far beyond the due date because students have lots to share with their classmates.
This section reminds me that when engagement happens, don't interrupt, this is our (student and instructor) time to learn.
I see the importance of asynchronous and synchronous discussions in an online class. Students need to comfortable and supported using either style of discussion.