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That there is more to the development of class online content and a definite pattern to use. As an online student in the past I know it is important for all items to work and testing is important.




Pre-made online teaching programs that have tested their programs and know the level of success are the best online program to use even with the cost. 


The use of modules and module consistency so that students know what to expect. 


In this module I learned that in the online teaching environment, consistency is key, so that students can better understand what is expected from them.

Consistency among modules is important

Being consistent  in designing or presenting modules or teaching in general seems to be very important. 

Creating a module template is not only easier for me, but makes each module more assessable for the students. making each module similar lengths with a similar voice will also make it more assessable. Learning objects may be stored to reuse throughout the course.

I realized the importance of keeping material consistent and organized. It's important for the students to feel they can they are comfortable in an online learning environment.

Being consistent on the learning materials in modules is important for students. This helps student understand how to navigate the module and find the information within all modules.

Visual appeal and consistency is important for easy navigation and decreasing student anxiety.

I've learnt about the importance of being consistent when creating the course templates and modules. 

The most important is to create a good base framework for the course, which meets 3 requirements: content, evaluation, sequence and design, in relation to the diversity of students and learning objectives. I feel calmer knowing that "take your time" to develop the base model, which I will be able to repeat later, "it's not a waste of time", it's a gain!!!

I learned about how important it is to use a similar format for all content being taught so that the presentation flows and is easy to follow.

Consistent and intentionality is important in developing student learning. Using additional resources to ensure the growth of knowledge in a methodological manner. 

Students need consistency from module to module so they can spend their time learning the content as compared to figuring out where everything is or how to do a similar assignment.

I learned the importance of consistency and plan on implementing it in any course I instruct. 

When it comes to course content, it's essential that instructors carefully plan and ensure that the content supports the course learning objectives. One way to achieve this is to identify areas where students are having difficulties or to ensure that the course content and graphics are correctly placed to enhance student learning and success. Moreover, instructors should maintain a database that includes relevant items that can be quickly found, sorted, located, and uploaded across multiple courses.

I use a course framework to navigate my students through the semesters material. Each module builds upon the last.

Consistency in presentation of the course will help students feel comfortable navigating. It can also make the grading and analyzing easier for the instructor as well. 

That it is important to keep each module the same length, make sure it stays consistent and make sure the appearance of each module is the same. 

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