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Both are different strategies of teaching. but I have used synchronous because I can interact more with the student and clarify doubts at the moment

I think asynchronous learning is going to be best for me and my students, I realize I need to have everything clearly laid out and prepared for them and will still be avaiable for questions or video chat if and when needed.


In this module I learned that is a significant difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning is instant messaging and immediate feedback. With synchronous learning, learners can receive immediate feedback from their fellow students or teacher through instant messaging. Asynchronous learning doesn't enable that type of interaction

Learned the difference between sychronous vs. asynchronous

Its imperative that an online instructor be organized and make sure students understand what is expected of them.


Here, I have learned that teaching on line must be organized to a specific pattern the students can follow and not feel lost during their class. This can accomplished through both synchronous and asynchronous teaching methos. Also it helps the instructors organize their classes as they follow a specific pattern. 

Communication! communication is the key to success with online instruction. 

Dialogue is essential in the process.


Both asynchronous and synchronous learning models offer their own strengths.  Utilizing both is an option in a hybrid form depending on the learning outcome.

Understanding that synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods have important advantages and disadvantages. Our program will be using synchronous learning but closely evaluating for possible changes if needed. I do understand how important organization and communication will be during this time of transition. 

I have learned the need to develop a very organized pattern of teaching, of how the information will be consistently presented to the student.


There are positive and negatives to teaching synchronus and asynchronus styles. The best form of delivery needs to be decided upon before the course content is developed. I wonder if the best courses could implement both to a degree. If they are set up as ascynhronus, but then provide a few different times a week for synchronus  video chats, you could get the benefits of becoming acquainted and having a few face-to-face interactions. 


Make sure you are organized and able to you the tech. tools effectively and in a familiar format so the students become accustomed to your way of teaching.


In an online setting it seems to me a combination of Asynchronous and Synchronous learning will be more effective. synchronous learning will be a very strong tool to use in engaging the student, and supported with asynchronous teaching design with the student further engaged by being held accountable for assignments being done either prior or post real time instruction. In all the success of the student and the teaching design, is directly dependent on organization, and communication. Organization will fortify the teaching pattern and benefit from results of a successful student completion of the specific assignment and or course.

As there are different students in the classroom there must be vaired methods of presenting and accountability for material.  I will use both types after learning the advantages and disadvantages of both.

This has been truly informative. I am all about open communication. Switching to or applying a face to face classroom for online learning would be a new experience because a lot of what is seen or observed is body language as well as facial expressions. I like the point to front load information and allow for well informed discussions later.


So me personally I have been taking online classes for a little over a year now and the way I am being taught is asynchronous. Now for someone like me who likes to have full control of my class, I have learned that when dealing with adults they need to be more responsible for thier own actions. I really like the asynchronous way of teaching and learning. 


Being able to be available via email or during class is the key thing to make sure your students are understanding the material 


Students must be given clear directions in an organized manner to achieve learning outcomes.


Communication and planning are essential to the success of distance learning. Establishing clear guidelines helps to set the pace for the course.


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