Teaching as a Second Job - How Do You Manage it?
I am interested in hearing from others who teach, either online or in traditional setting, as a second gig. Specifically, how do you budget your time between your "day job" and your teaching job. I am a busy lawyer, and it is difficult to stay on top of what I need to manage for students, especially feedback and grading. All thoughts and comments are welcome.
I teach online part time and still have a full time job during the day. I manage first by having a phone strictly for my full time job and a second phone for my teach job. This way I can answer all of my student questions during the day and I do most of my online class work after I leave my day job. I do not wait for the end of the week to grade papers, each night I grade papers for those you have turned them in earlier. When I grade each night I also go through and make comments on Discussion board to those you have posted for that day. My plan is to devote my evenings to my online class and keep it up every day.
I also teach online and my main job is corporate nursing. I fly between four states monitoring the surgical services department and have some time at the airports to do discussions etc. Otherwise I make sure to grade in the evenings and encourage my students to use the Remind app if they need me or schedule a google meet on Fridays if they are really having issues since i'm home by Thursday night (usually). I plan to teach in retirement so only take one class right now, at a time. I love teaching!