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Trying to be as Available as Possible, Any Suggestions?

The courses I teach are 6 weeks long. Students get a lot of information during that time and I try to be as available as possible. We have online live chats twice a week but since they are not required, they don't have high attendance rates. I was thinking about creating an IM account and saying that I'll be signed on for questions at a certain time on certain days. Do you think this is a good idea? If so, which IM host is best? I use Facebook chat but that's about it. Do people still use Yahoo! or AOL chat?


Six weeks is a short amount of time to get things done. Communication is essential and trying new things can be beneficial. If the live chats can be recorded, that's helpful. Then, whether they attend synchronously or not, they can review the meeting later. I don't use Yahoo or AOL, but do use Adobe Connect and have used Facebook and Twitter. Many students like the Fbook discussions, but they the majority said they preferred the discussion board within the LMS.

Can you give them points?

No, unfortunately I can't add or take away points. They are already configured for the classes I teach.


This is the issue when courses are "canned" and the instructor doesn't have the ability to change things. I would encourage you to provide feedback to the people that give you the course to see if you can edit the course as long as the learning outcomes don't change. Just a thought.

I also teach courses in 5 week sessions. It's time sensitive and you are certainly correct because it's very difficult to get students to attend on a weekly basis because most students are working or have conflicting schedules in regards to the sessions which are set up. Regardless if it's an IM account or not--I have very good communication success and allow my students to call me at any time if they have questions. My typical office hours are 12 hours per day, 7 days per week--students are very respectful and sensitive to call only when they need help during odd and weekend hours. You make think open contact hours is an inconvenience but for the last 2 years have found it yields excellent academic results and usually only takes a few minutes to attend to student concerns or questions.

I try to provide my students with various ways to reach out to me. Everyone seems to have their "communication of choice". I allow for email, our inter-school communication message system along with Facebook and Twitter. I do give clear lines of when that may reach out to me and when they can expect to hear back from me. In the beginning I did not do that and found I was answering and assisting students at all hours of the day, weekends and holidays. Live and learn! :)

Roland and Amanda,

Availability is important, but be careful not to become a 24/7 instructor. Set your times of availability in the syllabus and make sure students know how and when they can contact you. Thanks!


Yes, we do all have different preferences for communicating. The key is to communicate often and in a clear manner. Live and learn is right on!

Working as an online instructor is my full-time occupation. What this means is that I am typically at my desk during most of the day. However, I do go out occasionally to purchase groceries, or to exercise. I even go to a movie every now and or I go visit friends. Even so, I am available most the time.


We need to take breaks and enjoy life. They always say, if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others. ;-)

I teach courses that are 5 weeks long and often in the beginning of the course, I ask students individually when they are usually completing their school work. I have found that by being available during the popular times, I can text and instantly reply to e-mails for immediate assistance. for those times that I can not be available, I have continuous reminders of how soon after their question will I reply to keep that connection during the short duration of my courses



I agree with Roland. Students are respectful of our time.

I give out my cell number, and have for the past six years. I honestly have never had a student abuse this. Once I got a call at 11PM PT, but sadly I live in ET. It was a panicked call, and once I reminded the student of the time difference, she was profusely apologetic and offered to hang up immediately. I answered her question since I didn't want to be woken up for nothing.

They are allowed to call from 8AM-9PM or text 24/7. I find when students know this, they feel better. Most never use the option, but they do like knowing that they have it.

I think this is a better option than a chat (doesn't your school have a program for its online class?)

If you don't want students having your number, perhaps consider a cheap Boost or Go phone that is your "office" phone.


Five weeks is such a short amount of time. Your availability is an asset to the students, but don't become a 24/7 instructor. You too need a break!


Sounds like this works for you. I don't give out my cell phone, but set up times for emailing and synchronous office hours if they want to pop in. I use Adobe Connect for this. We all have to find what works for us.

I also teach 5 week courses so of course, 1 week has a lot of information in it. It's so easy to fall behind and usually by week 2, I'm getting some lost students already. The online lectures I create are viewed by them but I think one of the most effective lines of communication with my students is through the instant messaging tool that comes with the course. Everytime I log into the course, I'm showing up as available for instant messaging and they start asking questions. They do realize I'm on PST so most of the questions end at around 9 pm for me. Although I have scheduled office hours, students instant message me all throughout the week to get instantaneous feedback.


If students fall behind in a 5 week class, it's major. It's important to try and help them keep up. Thanks for your input.

My courses are 5 weeks long, and we have a designated one hour per week lecture time on the phone. However, I have also found that many students do not go since it is not a requirement. I have designated "office hours" each day which I post in my announcements. During these office hours, I am by my phone and available for students should they call. I think your suggestion of an IM time is a good one. This might encourage those students who are wary of a phone call for whatever reason to sign on and ask questions that they might have. I may just do this as well! Thank you for the suggestion.


Five week courses are SO short on time that you have to hit the ground running. Explain to me what one hour per week lecture time on the phone means. You're on the phone one hour? Or are these your office hours where you are available? Thanks!

Since I do teach regular courses during the morning, as well as handle other family responsibilities, I cannot envision being on call 7 days a week 12 hours a day. However, I usually respond to emails within a few hours.
Even though 6 week sessions are time sensitive, I do let my students know I do not respond after 11 pm.
I do have regular office hours twice a week, and I do send out reminders. As to live chats, the attendance is low. I wish we could make participation in a certain number of live chats mandatory.
I think it would help a lot. I have found out some students do not review the recorded sessions, ignore the posts and announcements, as well as individualized emails.
I suppose what I'm saying is, dedicated students do not have any problem reaching me and getting help if needed. They know I am more than willing to assist them.

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