Time Management for the new online student
I teach first term students who may or may not, have ever attended college. Some have minimal computer skills, which means added stress learning their way around the classroom while also trying to figure out how to create a document, save and upload it. All this leads to a great deal more time in the classroom and working on assignments than they originally thought.
In my first week I share with them the different types of time management tools. I share with them that if they have never used a time management plan, beginning with a calendar is the best method. I suggest the Google Calendar to students as it can be used on your computer, smart phone, etc with minimal set up. I also encourage students [using time management for the first time] to use a blank calendar for one week and write down everything that takes them one hour or more to do. At the end of the week, they will be able to find where they can pull time from to create their own "class schedule". I am also always reinforcing that their time management plan will be unique for each of them and while they can pull ideas from classmates, they must focus on creating a schedule that works for them.
For the remainder of week one and throughout the term, I send numerous email reminders about deadlines and reinforce that though they do not need to "be in class" at a specific time, they should create their own class schedule to create a "habit of learning".
Finally, I share how when I took my first online course I left everything until the last 3 days of class. This helped me to learn to create a class schedule and work day by day, week by week to ensure my best work was submitted without added stress and frustration. I find many of the students can relate to my 60 hour work week and a family to care for, so sharing personal challenges and how they were overcome helps a great deal with my students creating their time management plans.
These are great ideas. I also try to show how time management in class assignments is no different than on the job time management
Hi -
I like to provide examples of what happens when you procrastinate and how it impacts many aspects of your life. It does not impact it from just an academic perspective, but can impact everything you do. Students need to understand how time management can impact there real life as well.
Yes, and you can use Google Calendar or Outlook calendar to have students control their own calendar. Students need to know how to use it.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
That is a great strategy. Students need to know what happens to people who miss deadlines. There are consequences.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
What great strategies. Many of them don't realize how busy they really are until they put it in a calendar.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I agree, as well many do not realize they are "surfing the net" or watching television for more hours than they think they are. Writing down all activities that take one hour or more is a huge eye opener for most students Dr. Kelly....I know it was for me! :-)
Just the technological aspect alone can be extremely overwhelming for a new student who has never taken an online class. Overwhelming to the point that just learning how to navigate, discuss, and post assignments within the classroom can be as time consuming as the coursework itself.
I make sure the student knows that we are in this together. Not being flexible with new online students can make or break their online experience. If an instructor's only focus is the deadline and the grade, the potential life-long learner could be lost forever, with one bad experience.
If possible, matching new students up with veteran online teachers is ideal. Also pairing students up with students who have already successfully completed online courses works great. Student can meet together outside of the classroom if possible. It is the buddy system approach and many students have reported forming true friendships; which of course, adds to the student's sense of community.
Me too! I give my freshman a outlook calendar and have them write down everything they do for a day. It is a great discussion topic!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You make a great point, one bad online experience can taint every future online experience. I too think encouraging students to view me as a partner or an consultant in their learning goes along way to creating an encouraging environment. Why do they think we are the enemy. . . ?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I am not sure my students, especially online who tend to be working adults with busy lives (ergo online students) many of whom have a history of not having a good academic past, would get enough out of creating a one day calendar. I can see where this might work in a ground campus where you have the time to discuss it the next day in class and share options.
Thanks for sharing Dr. Kelly.
Yes, I have also been involved in teaching classes where students have first entered the program. I find that spending more time explaining my expectations in the beginning will set the student up for proper time management skills. I also assist them with time management by providing checklists, rubrics, and follow-up emails explaining my expectations or reminders. It truly believe the student will have awesome time management skills if they first understand why they are in the class and what it takes to succeed, based on my initial instruction.
I really had not thought of that, this may give them confidence regarding their strengths and allows them to identify problems. this could be a great start for those just coming back.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Joi ,
Great post. You are right. Once you have some time management strategies in place you can use them multiple times on multiple courses. Time management is the key.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I do believe that building confidence and a desire to learn is as important as the book knowledge the students receive, especially in first term. :-)
I agree. That plays such a role in motivation. You want students to have success and to build on success that instills confidence; particularly with technology.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson