You are right. Isolation happens in the f2f courses as well. We almost ignore or just assume in f2f we will lose some students. We don't have that mindset in the online class.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
In my opinion the most important principles of learning are as follows:
time management
Students need to understand they need to make time for success in a classroom. They also need to understand that making sure they are engaged and present in the class is equally as important as getting "As". Also, the students should know that they have a support system around them.
The Principles of Learning that are most important would revolve around communication. Either between the student and instructor, or other with other students. Time management would be another big one. I'm always reminding the students of ways they can stay on track and quickly try to guide the ones going astray back on course.
As Chickering and Ehrmann developed the seven Principles of Learning, I find the seven principles of good practice are all helpful techniques to utilize as instructors. I find encouraging contact between students and instructor are highly important and essential throughout the online course. This shows active involvement and engagement throughout the course experience. I also believe it is important as the instructor to encourage active learning throughout the classroom to enhance the course content and course objectives. I believe in providing prompt feedback as well as communicating high expectations to help my students excel. It is pertinent to respect diverse talents and ways of learning as we are a diverse community. It is important to be aware and helpful towards diverse populations along with promoting a fun learning environment.
I believe the most important are to communicate high expectations and to provide prompt feedback to students.
A combination of both, I believe, help students with the online learning, they build confidence when they know that the instructor will be there in the form of immediate feedback.
I think that there are several principles of learning that are important for online teaching. It is very important to have good communication from the instructor to the student as well as the student to the instructor. Many times in an online setting it is difficult to access if a student is struggling with the content of the material if they do not communicate. They should be required to participate in the discussion forums. As an instructor, I try to make sure to send e-mails and outreach information to my students on a weekly basis. I also think that it is important for the student to be an active participant in their learning. When they do not participate in discussions and wait until the last minute to submit assignments, it speaks volumes to how active and engaged they are in the class. Another principle is time management. All too often I have students who do not take this seriously. They wait until the very last minute to submit an assignment or take a test. It really has an impact on their overall grades. I work very hard to provide them with tools to help with this aspect. I have encouraged the use of calenders, reminder alerts on their smartphones, and weekly schedules to try to assist the students with staying on tasks.
Twyla Arnold
You are right. I have stopped calling grading, grading; I am calling it evaluation. Students need to learn to take feedback that comes from evaluating to improve themselves. It seems they don't take those comments to heart; they only look at the grade. So, no more grading just evaluating. I know that is a simplistic view but I want to stress the importance of learning not earning a grade.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
True, many time both communication and time management are related. It is so easy to quit communicating and let things go. I actually work to develop them a calendar they begin to use.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Does it surprise you that good teaching is just good teaching no matter how it is delivered? I love that we can take these gold standard principles and apply them.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You are right. You have to have high expectations for the students, communicate the expectations to the students, and then hold them to it. This means we have to communicate. Success builds confidence and we have to communicate how to be successful.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You are right. You have to have high expectations for the students, communicate the expectations to the students, and then hold them to it. This means we have to communicate. Success builds confidence and we have to communicate how to be successful.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Twyla ,
You make such great points! Yes, we can determine engagement based on student behavior. It is important for use reach students is a variety of different ways and repetitious.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I think time management is one of the most important skills for an on-line learner to achieve to make them successful in the on-line learning community. This also includes a working environment where the student can study and concentrate on their school work without distractions from friends and family.
I agree with you. I actually build calendars for students to begin using so they can balance their lives. It is a skill that can't be underestimated!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I agree with you. I actually build calendars for students to begin using so they can balance their lives. It is a skill that can't be underestimated!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Dr Kelly,
I think that encouraging learning and interaction between the instructor and student.
While I do not teach an online course right now I have the opportunity to evaluate and check in on others courses. The biggest thing I want students to have is Time Management and Communication skills. We have far to many IM messages (text-speak) showing up in discussion boards. We also have many students completing assignments at the last minute.
I believe it is most important for the student to know I am available to them when needed. On a weekly basis I send emails with the topics of the week and always remind them that I am here if they need assistance. I usually grade their work within 24 hours and allow them to resubmit work to make corrections. Communication is key!
I agree with you. How much do your students interact with each other?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Dr. Christopher,
I think you speak for many. Time management is so important. Do you use a rubric to evaluate the the discussion board posts?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson