Students with Internet difficulties
There are students who have difficulty using the computer just on a day to day basis, much less using twitter or other type outlets.
I fear that if we depend on technology too much and rely so heavily on social media, then we are losing much of the face to face interpersonal communication that is much more valuable than twitting.
Vallorie ,
If it is a online course, don't you think they should expect technology? I use these techniques to facilitate engagement. The online course should facilitate engagement with students also not just with me. When it is just like me the course becomes a correspondence course.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
When it comes to an online course there will be some students that do have some challenges with the computer. I have found that for those students that are transitioning from a classroom setting into an online environment can be un-comfortable. As the instructor, I would encourage the students to try and use social media and the computer but still have the ability to communicate with face to face skills. I think that there should be a balance between social skills and working with someone face to face. I think that the face to face skills will always be available.
I have found that many students who are a bit quiet in class are often my most reflective and intriguing online communicators. Effective incorporation of technology is a way to get students excited enough about content to explore it outside of the classroom in a forum that they have a comfort level. I use Edmodo "religiously" with my F2F classes.