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Communication rules should be clearly stated in the syllabus.  Students will be of various ages and that should be taken into account when communicating with students.


Coming into an educational setting be it tradional or vitural standards and expectations must be set,modeling, and clearly stated not to get students in trouble but to streer clear of trouble. More then once failure to communicate has exploded into negative choices and conseuences. From day one clarity has to be in place for success online or in seat.


misunderstanding may occur - but continue to have clear expectation


I learned that student come from all different kind of backgrounds and its up to the instuctor to try to keep them engaged with meaniful classwork. Communication is by far the most important thing in teaching. Instructors need to set rules and regulation and post them clearly in their syllabus.

One piece of this module to use moving forward are the strengths and weaknesses associated with the different generations. The student population of the instructors I work with might fall mostly within one generation, it will be helpful to consider the generations in terms of staff and developing professional learning opportunities for them online as well. One quote that stood out to me from this module is, "Communication within the online community is a vehicle for student engagement.” It seems simple and a given, but so necessary to keep in mind as instructors plan for the fall and beyond. This module reminded me of a quote by Heath and Heath in Switch, "...What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity." Some of the struggles experienced might be issues with communication and interpretation of the communication itself not necessarily apathy or dis-interest as is sometimes an easy conclusion.


I found the descriptions of the various generations to be generalizations. I know they aren't meant to be harmful but it is something I try my best to avoid. I try not to generalize because it is often the case that people are unique and possess so many qualities and characteristics that distinguish them from others and those rare combinations make them standout. I did find useful to read about the qualities students need to possess to be successful in an online class. I hope to share this list with my students and coworkers. 

In the Online Language: Communicating with Students course, module three I learned the importance that communication plays in any online course. Students need to be informed of communication expectations of the instructor and the class syllabus is an appropriate method to convey the information. Consequences and examples of acceptable and unacceptable communication need to be provided as well. The instructor also needs to keep in mind the various generations who will be taking the course. The course activities need to be differentiated based on the generation(s) taking the course. Varying activities within the course as well as understanding the student’s level of computer skills is a must.

It may be difficult for me to understand why students are not participating in class because of the absence of non-verbal communication like facial expressions that I am used to having in a face-to-face class.  Communication will be important in keeping everyone engaged and understanding barriers or problems.


I learned that each generation of learners have different needs and respond to online learning differently.  I have also learned the importance of having a syllabus that clearly defines communication rules and code of conduct.  I also have realized that the online learner has many responsibilities such as having an open mind and possessing good time management skills.

I have learned the pros and cons to teaching different age groups as well as adjustments I will have to make to said age groups while teaching.


Depending on the course content, course timeframe, and learning level of the student, students may spend 3-10 (or more) hours per week on each course. Many students will find online courses require much more time and commitment than traditional courses.

I have always considered the different abilities in technology, but never necessarily by generations. It is important to be clear and consise in communication and to use a variety of tools to allow for communication among all stakeholder groups- while keeping in mind not to overwhelm students with unnecessary or irrelevent communication tools.

Having completed my first on-line course as a n instructor, I can recognise many of the topics that have been presented and how they can be better implemented to further draw out the communication and collaboration among students. It is implrtant for the instructor to facilitate the discussion, but not overtake it.


Different generations have different online needs.


The learning on how different generations communicate was very interesting.  I'm wondering what thoughts or techniques have proven helpful with students who are not self-motivated?  


Before I can ever start with content I will have to teach my students how to be successful online.  How to communicate properly with me and each other, how to adequately respond to discussion items, where to find answers to most questions, and perhaps the most important- how to manage their time well.  I teach 14-yr olds, procarastination seems to be norm for most.  I am considering a "Have you....?" check list at certain points during the modules.

Generations are different and bring a variety of gifts to the table.  Online the instructor will have to work with each generation in a slightly differential way - and make sure that expectations are clearly communicated as to how communication will flow in the course.

I really like how they explained how different generations might approach an on-line course. Also, I liked when they talked about how successful e-learners must be self-motivated and have good time management. I think creating a time management activity at the start of the course could be beneficial for some of my high schoolers. 


It is important for online instructors to be aware of communication differences among generations so they can differentiate instruction. It is also essential to keep all students engaged and contributing.

By learning the different communication types/skills between generations explains a lot.  I also learned that even though our young people have always had computers and technology - it doesn't mean that they actually know correct and proper standards when communicating.


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