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Ture one hour online of instruction typically takes 10-20 hours of preparation time. Be sure toi assits the students with accomdation.

Analyzing my own strenths and weaknesses is essential before thinking about developing my course. I also learned the importance of modifying the self-analysis inventory for my online learners to incorporate more specific online characteristics. It's essential to include time management and organizational info in the syllabus to prepare students to understand their responsibilites. Continuous organizational and time management support will be essential for all my student's success and will require a great deal of regular attention.


Starting off the course it is important to gauge students current abilities including strengths and weaknesses related to learning online. It is important for instructors to use that information and provide resources and support students with their weaker areas so they can be successful within the course. 


I was particularly interested in the questions for self-analysis and am going to discuss with my colleagues the idea of adding this to our protocols. I also liked the concept of using proactive deadlines.


To be successful with online instructor, you will have to adjust to the different types of student learners. You will have students that need special accommodations, but sometimes even with the special accommodations, they will not meet you half way which can be frustrating.

Through self analysis, the learner can better understand their motivation for online learning.  This will help the student develop time management skills and best setting for study for the online course.  Setting a schedule/set time to work on the course through the week is essential.  Asking questions early, utilizing communication, and ditching procrastination will benefit the learner and lead to success in the online class. 


You should develop a survey to help students analyze their online readiness.  Self motivation is the main criteria for sucess and the teacher needs to help in that motivation. Give students short and long term goals to keep them on task an always keep the lines of communication open

This module had some great ideas and I really made a connection to the motivation part.  How a person is motivated is definately a big picture of an online class.  It is so important to know your students and what motivates them to learn and incorporate those into the class to reach every learner.  I look forward to paying attention to how my students get motivated!


All students regardless of abilities must have the personalized learning.  Time mgt need to be my best friend.




I have been reminded that I am (also) a self-reflective learner. The communication, technology preparedness, and time management which I expect for learners to possess as they enter an on-line course-I, likewise, must examine (these key attributes) in the efforts of becoming an excellent on-line facilitator. 

Helping students of all capabilities manage their time effectively is a major key to their success. As instructors we need to ensure that all needs of the student are being met.


What I have learned is that time management is crucial for both instructor and students. It is important to help students develop time management skills.

Though the students will be learning online, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be easier. Many of the same tactics to ensure success of the students end in an on campus environment need to be implemented online as well. Talk to students about how/when they'll get their studying done, be consistent when planning due dates for assignments, find out if students have any learning needs that you can help them address or direct them to the person in your organization that can. As always, identify your strengths and weaknesses as an instructor and leverage them for the online environment and help your students do the same.

It very important to know your student's need, so you can provide needed accomodation  

Time management is very important with an online course as it takes additional time to complete as compared to a F2F class. Also, it is important to know the needs of the students and what accommodations are needed for students. 

The Student and instructor first have to assess there online ability's. Then the student has to be made aware of the amount of involvement is required in the taking of the course. 

I didnt realize the importance of making sure you are ready and able to teach online




Focusing students on time management skills are critical to an online course and the success of the student. The instructor needs to look at universal deisng but take in the abilities of all learners in the course.


Time management MUST be stressed for online students.

Through experience I have learned that not all students learn very well when online. Time managemnt is somthing that students need to have in order to be successful. I see my students struggle. It is important for me be creative, reinforce time management

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