I can use a Community of Practice in the course I teach so the students can help each other learn about real life problems and how they can resolve them. Having groups work together brings diverse perspectives and they can see that there are more than one way to approach a problem.
The community of Practice is an important learning tool for students in online learning, because they can learn from other students within the class. I currently use this in my online courses.
Creating a CoP can help build a positive learning environment and help to build on students previous knowledge and skills.
This time around I gained a stronger sense of the importance of community within the student body, and the various online approaches which lean into chat boards and collaborative projects. The importance of closure also was a key "aha!" moment -- a sense of an ending. Wisdom as old as Aristotle that always makes me wonder, "Why didn't I (already) think of that?"
Effective Communication is essential because being an online Instructor students' information can get easily get miscommunicated and their grades are at stake.
Good online citizenship as relates to plagiarism and communication to drive engagement, professionalism, and other soft skills while working toward learning outcomes.
Provide complete and accurate information and expectations. Encourage students to read all instructions and as the instructor, be available for questions for clarity.
Creating an environment for everyone to feel comfortable and demonstrate mutual respect to peers.
Communication plays a key role in the on line classroom. Questions posed need to be relayed to the rest of the class along with responses. Also any other inputs from the class should be shared as a whole.
A clear outline of the expectations for online learning will help to provide each student with confidence as they complete the assigned tasks.
In today's classroom whether F2F or online all students should practice professional citizenship in my opinion, It is never appropriate to be disrespectful, demeaning, or humiliating to one another. The things that stood out to me in this lesson were that students should summarize what they have learned and the importance of timely feedback.
It is important to keep working and giving feedback on reading and writing skills in order to progress students.
Building a sense of community by reinforcing and modeling strong communication skills and building on prior knowledge is the prerequisite to creating a positive group learning environment in a virtual classroom. Students will learn best when they understand very clearly what is being communicated to them, and how they should respond. Being articulate and learning how to convey crucial messages in creative and interesting ways are vital skills for online instructors to cultivate.
Get student participation by giving them understanding of why the content is important.
I learned many new things about participation and engagement. I am especially interested in using the Exit Slip technique for after synchronouse class meeting.