El aprendizaje en linea termina siendo fundamental para que rompiendo las fronteras de tiempo y espacio, se pueda por parte de trabajador que estudia, poder ir buscando mejores horizontes de aprendizaje y saber, que incluso se vea concretizado en una mejora salarial. La vida ahora es otra. Los tiempos son más acelerados y en tal medida la educación tiene que adecuarse a dichos cambios. Algo importante, la educación en línea no tiene que envidiarle nada, a la educación presencial.
Research indicates that online instruction is neither inferior nor superior to face-to-face instruction because there is nothing inherent in technology that significantly influences academic performance. As an acting conservatory, it would be interesting to know if this holds true for such a hands on training program.
The employee perceptions of online degrees suprised me in that they did not really base decisions on where they got the degree whether online or at an in person college.
Finding a way to help students achieve the 7 online competencies may be an important first step to truly transition many online students to full success. But also considering using these ideas in F2F and hybrid may improving learning all around.
I have learned that online learning is preferred by students who have a lot of other responisbilities and is sometimes more convenient.
It's an ongoing misconcenption that online learning is inferior to face-to-face learning because people think online learning is easier. To learn that online and face-to-face leanring are equivalent in delivering education, but also employers are not differentiating the qualifications for employment based on method of acquiring a degree.
As we move more into the world of technology, institutions much embrace and structure their class offering via online in order to be more competitive. Not only should an institution offers a variety of classes, but it also have to focus on retention of leaners by making online classes user friendly as well as ease of accessibility.
It is not the school that makes the student. The students makes the school. Plato is not just a philosopher, it is a program created in 1960. Online education is more attainable today than ever before.
Online learning should include various activities to promote continual engagement from students.
I learned that:
Academic factors that contribute to poor academic performance can generally be categorized into 7 core competencies.
Though not exhaustive, this list can help faculty and staff tailor academic interventions to specific areas of concern.
These competencies are self-management, self-advocacy, technological fluency, information literacy, research skills,
writing skills, and virtual collaboration.
The online learner are no longer just traditional students. As instructors it would behoove us to get to learn about our students and find out what motivates them to accomplish their goals for their future.
Learning about learning style preferences and level of comfort with distance technology/learning is important to set a foundation for the student experience.
It is important to guide students through proper plagiarism instruction for distance learning. Many times the plagiarism is not intended, so utilizing coaching strategies for plagiarism is vital.
I learned that the online p
To think the first on line class was in 1960 is incredible. To see how far we have come and how far we can continue to grow for on line instruction is uniquely challenging and exciting.
While completing this module I reviewed market trends, perceptions of online environments for employers, the characteristics of online students, thus this may have change do to the pandemia, and competences needed for an online student
I learned the importance of making a connection with each student so when you try to contact them to review and discuss their assignments they will find value in talking with you and returning your outreach if you leave a message or send a text message.
In my 17 years of instructing online, I have found that most students I come in contact with in class, enjoy the freedom and flexibility online affords them with. Many note, if they had to attend college on-ground, they wouldn't or couldn't due to work and scheduling. I myself have experienced both on-ground and online in my multiple degree pursuits and I am biased in favor of online for all of the obvious reasons (anytime, anywhere) just to be clear on the latter point.
Online learning is so beneficial to people that are working and can complete the course on their own time.
There is certainly a paradigm shift in our perceptions and acceptance of online education. Giving students foundational skills specific to success in online education from the beginning is paramount. So many of my students, particularly the self described "old school" students were already behind before they got started simply because they didn't know how to naviage the necessary technology.
The majority of students fit into the category of working adults. I am aware of this as they are usually working and cannot commit to a face to face class and find online a better fit to their life and work schedules.