You make great points! You do have to make sure all of the components work for all the groups using it. I also agree with you that students can be comfortable with the technology so they can do well in their assessment.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
When assessing the use of technology assessment tools for an online learning environment the three most important things to consider are as follows:
1. Will the tool work appropriately in an online environment.
2. Does the tool properly measure the information that is being assessed.
3. Will this tool be beneficial for each of my students.
I think the most important thing to consider is the students in the classroom and their learning styles. The second most important thing is the content that you are delivering. And lastly the added value of the material.
Great post. You are right, You want to make sure the tool measures what you intend to measure. I do think this gets lost sometimes.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
1. Is it intuitive? Technology assessment is not always easy to use. If faculty or students get bogged down in the details and cannot maneuver through the process easily and quickly, it will dissuade learning.
2. Will it work on all LMS/Internet browsers? This day and age where students are using IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and others, the technology assessment tool must be accessible on all internet browsers. I have had to use different browsers for different LMS/technology assessments and it is very difficult to keep track of what works on what platform. This can cause frustration and wasting time which counter the goals of technology assessment.
3. Can we measure the outcomes/student performance objectively? The results need to be above average in order to consider the continued use of various technology assessment tools. Otherwise, we (faculty) are just guessing that it advances learning/critical thinking.
How would you look at assessment tools for learning styles? Would you have more than one assessment tool?
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Treat post. There are so many variables that have to be address ed by the technology. It is so important to consider them all.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
This is a great question and I learned many useful things during this lesson. The most important thing I learned is to match the technology assessment tool with the learning objective. I am developing brand new courses for new Health Information programs at my college and I am developing assignments etc. I have mapped my assignments to the learning objectives but now plan on going back and ensuring that the technology assessment tool matches the objective. Another thing I learned is the importance of developing grade tools, such as a rubric etc. For those simulations I have incorporated into my classrooms I will want to ensure that I develop grading rubrics that are effective. The last thing I think is important to consider is feedback from both the instructor and student. I would like to incorporate this into the classroom real time rather than at the conclusion of the class. This can only be effective though if the other components measured are developed effectively (mapping learning objectives and developing clear, concise and effective rubrics).
Mary Kay,
What a great post. When you do the work up front like you are doing, it will provide you with the assessment you need to provide students the information they need to understand their learning processes. Also, it will be the tool you will use to adjust your course to improve student learning.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Top three things to consider:
1. I think the #1 thing to consider is if it is working well with the students. If the students aren't reaping substantial benefits from this technology assessment tool, I think it just becomes "busy work" and loses its impact on a student-centered learning environment, which is the goal. The technology assessment tools that a teacher chooses should revolve around how well students respond to it and how easily they can use it, so they don't get discouraged.
2.Another thing to consider when choosing a technology assessment tool is how well it correlates with the objectives. A technology assessment tool in an online learning environment needs to meet all of the objectives of the class to help enhance it as much as possible.
3. Lastly, one important thing to consider when using a technology assessment tool is how easily it's accessible for the students and how well it works within the learning system. If students have continued trouble accessing it, they will not use it and negate its ultimate purpose to enhance learning.
The three important things that one must look at when using technology to assess in an online environment are as follows:
1. Match the technology assessment tool with the learning objective.
2. Easy to understand and accessibility for students
3. Does it measure what is being assessed?
Thank you,
You make a great point. You don't want the technology to be the barrier to learning. You as the instructor also want to make sure you can get the assessment information you need to measure student learning and evaluate the course.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Great post! You are right it must measure what it is suppose to measure. You don't want it to measure how well students use the technology. Students need to be familiar with the technology.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
When assessing the use of technology tools in an online learning environment, I first consider the course objectives and whether the tool helps students achieve them. The tools then need to be user friendly and clearly understood.
Technology in the classroom is extremely important. If the wrong tool is utilized the desired affect will never come about. Each tool must be systematically reviewed for it's relevance.
You are right and that doesn't always happen. It needs to be user friendly for both student and instructor.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
You are right and how they fit with other technology used in the learning environment. I always check the LMS to see what it has to offer first, then if I choose something outside the LMS I look to see if it will integrate.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
1. Are they easy to use
2. Can I teach my instructors to use them
3. Are they appropriate for this job, meaning not all tools are right for every class
When assessing the use of technology assessment tools in an online learning environment, I believe the three most important things to consider are:
the technology is adequate to course objectives?
the chosen technology is helping students learn?
students understand how to use this technology?
I think as an instructor you have to think about (1) What output are you trying to obtain from the results of the assessment? (2) Does it really reflect the student's comprehension of the material? (3) Is it the best assessment for the student's learning style?
In my course there aren't any tests or quizzes. We grade with rubrics. The students are asked to fully discuss their discussion board topics and individual project questions. This allows me to determine if the student is understanding the material or if I was not clear in my explanation of it. Rubrics in our on-line environment are efficient for us as instructors. Students also know ahead of time what they will be graded on.