Do you find rubrics are beneficial when different people are rating? I can submit the same thing and 2 different people with grade differently.
The measure of a good rubric is that no matter who uses the rubric, the grade is consistent. Search the Internet for a Rubric of Rubrics and you'll see what I'm saying. Thanks for your question.
This is a disadvantage of a rubric. One teacher's vocabulary level for example may be far different than another's. What is college level for one is grade school for the other.
Can you explain this more? Are you saying that one instructor may make a rubric, share it with another instructor and they won't be able to use it?
Not that they won't be able to use it, just that no two instructors will have the exact same interpretation of the terms of the rubric.
Have you heard of inter-rater reliability? We actually use rubrics for many reasons - even program assessment - and if a rubric is designed well, it has inter-rater reliability in that no matter what "rater" (typically instructor) uses the rubric, they all come up with scores that are not significantly different.
The instructors may not have the same exact interpretation of any one item in the rubric, but by breaking out many specific items it helps ensure a more consistent result.
There may still be 'hard graders' but if the instructors understand their students I think that would even out over time.
You are right. We have to break down the criteria into more specific items so that we can have some inter-rater reliability between instructors. Thanks!
When it is a well constructed rubric the likely hood of a wide variance between the graders should be minimal at best.
Yes. There should be consistency in the assessment when good criteria are applied and they connect to the learning objectives. Thanks!