Getting Students feedback with rubrics
I was just wondering how does everyone get feedback from their students that their rubric was good, bad, etc?
I get general feedback all the time from students. They simply email me or post something on the discussion board forum. If it's a "big project/end of course project" rubric or something like that, I specifically ask for anonymous feedback through a discussion board. It works for me. I also include a comment on my course evaluation at the end of the course and ask specifically for assessment/rubric feedback. Hope this is helpful.
I usually ask students to send me feedback via email in regards to the rubrics and if they feel they were helpful or not. I don't typically encourage them to rate it good or bad, but to discuss the value in the rubric and how it helped (or hindered) them during the course of the class.
Typically, I get a great positive response about the rubrics and receive feedback that they kept the student honest and on track, but most of them state it was helpful in understanding how they received the score they did.
Accompanied with great feedback, rubrics can be a fantastic learning facilitator!
Joseph and Carolyn,
Thanks for continuing the conversation. Good point in that the students can help the instructor understand how the rubric can be edited to make it more helpful. Thanks!
Hi Carolyn,
Good question. I have not ever received feedback on my rubric from a student but can see where it would be advantageous. Makes me wonder if it would be a good idea to include going over the rubric in one of my live chats.
Definitely. If you have the opportunity to go over the rubric in a live session. That would be helpful.
Hi Joseph
I have never had a chance to think about evaluation of the Rubics. I do like the idea of Anonymous survey on the grading. I would like to learn more from the students on the grade and way it calculated.
Juan ,
Glad you are learning from others in these forums. It's great to try new things and continue to learn.