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Organizational Change

How much and how often does it become too much? or does it?

Thank YOU. These exchanges inspire so many new ideas. It is fun to consider new ideas, trends, and change and implement them as well! Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Thank you Dr. Schulz.

If change causes staff confusion maybe they are they are really dealing with confusion or lack of knowing what to do or how to deal with things. Perhaps you want to look at organization charts, policies and procedures manuals, etc. to determine how effective they are and what your policies don't deal with. You might want to hold meetings to determine what troubles your staff and decide as a group how to solve the problems. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Change is a given. What will it take to get everyone to think of change as an opportunity? Interesting challenge. What if you invited all instructors and faculty to identify at least 3 changes that are occurring or forecasted and share it with everyone else. Then everyone is asked to develop at least one new idea based on their observations of the specific change? I bet your school would be more fun to work at and students would raise their satisfaction and success rates. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

It does cause confusion in staff when there isn't any stability. Whenever there is change I think mentioning the vision about whey there is a change may help the employees accept that change.

It becomes to much when the change keeps changing.

Most things thrive on stability. On the other hand "change is good." So the challenge is finding the balance in each organization. thanks, Susan

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