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for us it was the frequency of meetings. We were holding meetings every week and nothing would get done, now we hold quarterly meetings and we have more time (not tied up in meetings) to work on action items. We also tend to now hold loosely based status reviews via e-mail(s)

Meetings have various purposes. A meeting can be conducted with many different approaches. You have identified the time schedule and technology to achieve different purposes. A meeting needs to have a leader that identifies the agenda and purpose and accomplishes the outcomes by the best approach to consider time and the capability to finish the agreed upon agenda. Quality of the meeing is often judged by these expectations of achieving the set forth purpose.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I have found that the hardest task in preparing for meetings is time. Meetings are usually scheduled for 2 hours but rarely end after that time frame. The main concern is the amount of side conversations that either interrupt the initial cause for the meeting or misdirection of the meeting. At one point our agenda was on target and provided useful and timesaving key points. I do like the agenda example shown and may begin using something similar to show an allotted time frame for each item.

I don't like meetings that extend beyond the agenda time. Meeting agendas should follow the objectives of the meeting and don't get off track. I have chaired many meetings and follow the Robert's Rules of Order. This helps from getting on the subject and keeps everyone on track.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I agree that an angenda has to be formed. I believe things need to be in order to conduct a proper meeting.

I believe the hardest thing in preparing is creating an agenda that is easy for everyone to be able focus on the entire time. I think you should create one agenda and stick to it.

Agendas are important but even more important the agenda should reflect the expectations of of the meeting. We can use the agenda to stay on tract to be sure to accomplish the goals and objectives of the meeting.

Dr. Gary Carlson

If you can distribute the agenda prior to the meeting so everyone participating can appropriately prepare for there contribution.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I believe the hardest task in preparing for a meeting is keeping individuals focused. At times, the same "pod" of people talk together throughout meetings and others are disruptive. I do believe though, that presenting meeting etiquette as the first agenda task, should help elevate this. I wonder if doing this at each meeting won't become too repetitious for the audience. Possibly each time, a different audience member could present their version of the etiquette "rules".

The leader sets the rules. Rules are for the participants for courtesy to the participants. Each meeting should have communicated the expectations of the meeting. Following the guidelines are for meetings keeps you on track

Dr. Gary Carlson

Greetings, Dr. Carlson: I appreciate your response. However, I do have a question... You stated "the leader sets the rules", but isn't this dependent on which style of leadership the person in-charge displays? For example: A transitional or transformational leader would want to empower his/her followers, right? If this is true, then the leader would take a moment to solicite responses for the beginning-of-meeting rules. Thank you in advance for your clarification.

I have found that some members come to meetings with their own agenda. If the issue raised is an emotional one, the meeting can then descend into arguing and hurt feelings. They will interrupt and bring up an issue that is not part of the meeting agenda, thus disrupting the flow of the meeting and threatening time constraints. If you shut them down, you can get hurt feelings. I have had people walk out,because they didn't stay within the agenda.So the meeting continues and I addressed the person walking out later that day.

The leader is the one person who has the responsibility and accountability to solicit the team for ownership in the outcomes. The expected outcomes will not happen without their ownership. For this to happen we need to as leaders be good listeners but not allow distractions that deter us from the expectations of the mission of our goals.

Dr. Gary Carlson


It shouldn't be surprising for us to experience those that have another agenda. Leaders need to keep the path to success with the clear expectations and mission in mind. The importance of a good leader is that all stakeholders understand their responsibility to the mission and ownership.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I think organization and making sure you have the right materials to present the information effectively can be frustrating. It is hard to decide if powerpoint, whiteboard, handout or everything will be the best medium to effectively present.

Perhaps one of most difficult issues in preparing for a meeting of staff colleagues is determining exactly what items that the colleagues would be interested in participating in and what outcomes to expect from the interaction that takes place during the meeting and how these outcomes will be implemented

There is no doubt whatever that keeping on schedule is a rather massive task in that each individual has something to say I suppose the best way to handle this issue is to maintain a rather small agenda which would allow individuals to voice their opinions summarize and link will be meeting and then agree to hold an additional meaning that later date to continue with new topics which could be handed out as a future agenda

It is very difficult to ascertain what the level of interest and excitement will be for each item on the agenda and how each item on the gin the will into relate with other items on the agenda therefore causing this situation where if not properly moderated the meeting can lead to confusion as well as not as successful outcomes as planned

This in fact is a very good idea and that if you go over your agenda and have a particular topic which you know will bring about the need for further investigation and development then it's probably time to point an ad hoc committee to study the issues further and report back at a later date to the general attendance at the media at the meeting into the outcome of their research and then ask for a generalized opinion on the outcome. That way everyone participates and learns while one group investigates

One of the most difficult aspects of holding a meeting is getting each person to participate at an equal level during the meeting. I believe that perhaps is often do to the fact that the agenda to the meaning is not distributed until they meeting time itself or within a very short period prior to the meeting so the individuals not have time to think and investigate particular areas of interest I wish they wish to expound

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