I learned the best way to motivate employees is offering assistant on projects. Also backing the team up in their time of need.
When I began my company I realized I never had a minute of relaxation all I did was work, work, work. Many of my employees worked at a leisurely pace waiting for my direction. I had to feed them jobs to do all day long. Slowly over the years I have aquired an amazing team of self motivated individuals. I no longer have to direct them. Instead I ask them how I can help them with their tasks. It is so liberating and inspiring to have an administratve staff thatis so motivated!!
You are in a great place as a boss. I bet you have praised and rewarded them for doing a great job. For them, they must believe in the mission of your company too.
I believe people are motivated by interesting work, challenge, and increasing responsibility--intrinsic factors. People have a deep-seated need for growth and achievement.
I believe people are motivated by interesting work, challenge, and increasing responsibility--intrinsic factors. People have a deep-seated need for growth and achievement.
I have found if an employee has trust in you, that you believe in them and that their success or failure is also yours, they are easier to motivate.
I believe this is true. People experience more pride and fulfillment with their careers when they are challenged and feel trusted by their employer to carry out their responsiblities. That pride and fulfillment translates to better productivity as well.
You are fortunate to be in such position that your team has stepped up to the plate. It is frustrating to motivate individuals that don't care to be motivated and almost do the opposite of what is required of their job.
As a child when I asked my mother to let me stay at my friends house she would sometimes reply "NO!" I would ask "why" and guess what she said, "because I said so!" This was an unsatisfactory answer as a child, and this same answer doesn't satisfy most adults in the work place either.
I find co-workers and students are more likely to go along with an idea as long as there are clear outcome expectations and the expectations are followed up with valid reasons which may enhance the job experience.
You are so right it is so frustrating, especially to those of us who tend to be highly motivated on our own. The biggest danger is expecting the same level of motivation from everyone.
Very true. And along with that, when we explain the why we are empowering the employees to make their own decisions. They may still disagree, but at least we are helping them to make an informed decision & understand where we are coming from.
I agree. I feel when the team gets together and has meetings on how things can be better that is great motivation to bring ideas togther and discuss how to move foward on projects.
You are right & the more we, as leaders, can foster that sense of continuous improvement the better.
People love to be empowered and to have a say in how things are done. I delegate as much as I can, it frees up my day and my employees like the change in their day. I have a few people pulling reports, others handling motivation, and others going to meetings.