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Team Engagement

A strategy I have experienced is making sure each team member has a specific "job" within the meeting and later. Someone acts as secretary, someone else would act as 'moderator', and others would do other things, like lead out in various 'team-building' activities.

Another is to have each person responsible for a portion of the information to present to the rest of the grouop.

These are good strategies! I especially like that by using them the manager can stretch the comfort level of the team members by giving them more responsibilities or more critical roles as they develop.

Nicely done.

Fostering team identity is a great way to ensure that every team member is actively engaged and being productive. Make sure to integrate team newcomers, create team bonding activities, provide team t-shirts, hats, etc. to help foster team identity which directly and indirectly helps to ensure all members are staying engaged.

You make some great suggestions! Fostering team identity is one of the best ways to build camaraderie and get everybody focused towards a common goal. Newcomers especially appreciate being immersed in not only the team identity but the organizational culture as well.
Nicely done.

Giving constant feedback to the manager regarding their projects is one way to start.

These are great suggestions. I find that when I assign duties to my employees it acknowledges their importance and worth to the team. They appreciate the recognition.

Making sure you allow everyone a turn to talk is certainly one way to encourage and engage each team member.

I like this idea of splitting the team members for each to have a separate duty during the team meetings. This way each team member feels valued and that they bring something essential to the table.

You are correct. Giving every team member an opportunity to engage the group is a sign of respect and that you have confidence in that person.

Occasionally, a person expresses ideas that are inconsistent with the purpose of the team. In that case, what strategies have you used to redirect that person without embarrassing him or her?

I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Asking each participant to give their opinion and what they see as a pro and con for discussion topics. Encouraging participants to be team accountable and to value each member’s participation and views.

Simply letting each team member know that their opinion and experience is appreceated and expected. This may be effective. You can also ask questions relating to differing opinions directly to each team member. No matter what the method it seems necessary to create an environment that fosters "the want" of each team member to contribute on their own. This could possibly even be the foundation on which sound decision making is built.

Excellent observations. Providing a safe environment for team members to share opinions encourages others to share ideas.
Well done.

Acknowledging individual strengths that will make the project a success. Then assigning different areas of the project to fit with those strengths. This will boost confidence and create a need to excel.

Understanding your team members and their strength/weaknesses will better help you to make sure they are involved with discussions and being productive. Be sure to have built a comfortable and accepting enviroment so that they feel as they their opinions are welcomed and that their productivity is important to the ultimate team goal.

For good team engagement it is important to you identify your team’s strengths and weakness. Once accomplished than you maintain your team's strengths and improve on your team's weaknesses. Maintain accountability and responsibility of all exam members. When someone new joins the team make them feel as part of the established team as soon as possible. Always looking for new ways of improvement by observing other teams and have other individuals that observe your team.

Excellent points. Managing a team where people are not afraid to state their opinions is important to the success of your projects. Keeping personalities out of the mix is difficult but worth the effort!

Thanks for your comment.

There are many good observations in your post! I agree that the key to managing successfully is utilizing people's strengths and improving their weaknesses. Some companies do this through a formal HR review process but some managers just ask the employee where they want to improve and then incorporate assignments that stretch the individual. Most of the time this strategy is just as effect as a formal process.

Quick progress meetings every few days to see where everyone is at with their assignments and if anyone needs assistance early on in the process. Encouragement to ask for help before individuals feel overwhelmed.

I would assess for each person's unique talents and promote their participation within the group by providing recognition of those talents and praise. I would ask for their thoughts and suggestions.
Thank you, Judy Morici

Intrinsic motivators, like praise and giving additional responsibilities, are strong tools that managers can use -- and they are completely free! Also, establishing a climate where people can provide comments and feedback without a fear of being embarrassed is another way to encourage engagement. Based on your responses, it appears that you value people's opinions and provide mechanisms for structured feedback.

Well done,
Dr. Jamie Morley

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