I feel communication is the way to good Team Management. Open discussions, sharing ideas and concerns. Problems or any issues can usually be resolved quickly.
Communication is crucial to the success of any team, no matter the scenario. If communication is strained, the team chemistry will suffer. As a leader, it is best to try and remediate the situation as quickly as plossible so that the team can get back on track and complete the task. Sit down the team members and discuss what has created the rift between the parties involved. Sometimes it is something samll, but other times it is something large that might be harder to overcome. However I believe that the sooner any action is taken to smooth out the situation, the sooner things will "iron themselves out". Often ill-feelings left to fester will lead to larger rifts between parties and these can be harder to repair.
It probably cannot be avoided but the tension and underlying issues can be addressed. Professionalism in the workplace must be emphasized along with cooperation in discussing any issues without being overly emotional or rude. If two people do not get along then there is not much anyone can do other than explain that they should meet certain expectations within their job which includes actively listening, professionalism, and cooperation in resolving issues. Sometimes a talk between the two people who do not like each other with a neutral higher up can lead to a solution between them where they try to resolve any underlying issues.
Unfortunately this is a major issue at my workplace. Nut one ofthe main problems is that we have several individulas who want to be n charge, eventhough their titles dont dictate that. There are too many people who want to by the chief and not the indian. I think when thee are so many people ewho want o be in charge they stop communicationg with each other and just start doing their on thing.
I have found that coaching team members to address conflict between each other is effective in coming to a quick resolution. Most issues of conflict are a result of misconception and miscommunication.
I have found asking for feedback is an effective way to show that the manager is listening to ideas and if addressed with the employee individually builds trust and support.