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Proactive decisions vs. reactive decisions

I have found that instead of reacting immediately to a problem in order to resolve it, it is better to make sure you have all information to make the best decision possible. This can avoid additional mistakes in the process.

It is very easy to jump to a solution immediately when a problem is identified. This often results in impulsive decisions without having all the information to enable you to make the correct/best decision.

I have found that when I take the time to fully investigate or research a situation before reacting it often leads to a better outcome.

Count until 10 and then rethink about it

I feel it is always best to avoid Knee-Jerk reactions to any situation. That is what leads to impulsivity.

I agree. It is very easy to make a wrong decision when reacting too quickly without all of the details.

I do to i learned that thinking before spekaing goes a long way

I agree that looking at all angles always proves to be beneficial.

yes, this was definitely a good use of my time today.

Excellent course,very informative for a novice like me.

I also like to weigh the pro's and con's out I just hate when you have a long list of each!

Thanks for the great advice!

I agree.

If you do not have all of options in order you will come up short with the right answer for your solution. Always access each choice and applie it to see if you are reach your goal or are you going in the wrong direction.


When faced with a decision, I always weigh the pros and cons to the best of my ability. Over the years, when I have made a hasty decision, I have usually regretted it.

Of course, hind sight is always a clearer vision, but I work on gathering ALL info before making any decision.

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