Weekend classes
With this busy life that we have these days weekend classes are the best way to use the same space and same personel and still have more students.
Very good. Many schools can enroll over 1000 students in 3000 square feet of space by holding classes morning, afternoon, evening, and Sundays. It takes a lot of scheduling and staffing, but it can work. Susan
They are definitely the best classes even though not many students like these schedules
Hi Yudelka
Can you tell us why weekend classes are the best at your school. Also why students don't like these schedules. Have you considered asking students and prospects when they do want to go to school. Keep in mind that many have work or child care or other schedules to work around. It can be an interesting survey with some surprising results. Thanks, Susan
Here are some rarely considered factors:
a. do you have adequate bathrooms? I visit from the fire inspector might find you short?
b. Parking is a huge concerns. Schools have been evicted by cities because they forgot about this 'little' detail.
Classes cancertainly be held in more than one shift a day and over the weekend. We have done boot camp style classes at our school that are held over evenings and weekends. There are a few challenges you will be dealing with though. The staffing and scheduling was mentioned already. There are also facility problems to be considered. If you are leasig an offfice type building with other tenants than the a\school, the access over the weekend may be limited. The airconditioning use may also be limited, non-existing, or at a premium charge over the weekend.
If you offer classes that are aimed at working professionals for continuing education or adding new skills, you will have good luck with evening and weekend classes. These off hours may be the only time they have to attend classes.
All true, thanks Shiva! As you referenced, classes offered at flexible schedules, though given the facility challenges, really help customize program offerings to the working adult.
Jay Hollowell, MaxKnowledge
Guest Facilitator
Weekend classes are a must now in days. Students have full time jobs and this is a great option for them.
We agree, Kelly. Classes have to be set up to meet the needs of students. Some have traditional jobs making nights and weekends good times to attend school. Others work part time and some are not employed at all. A school should really not be dark for too long. And if you are not offering programs then what about short courses? Good point, Susan
Dr. Susan Schulz
I am not sure you want to enroll that many students!! I prefer less quanity and more quality! I guess if you are a private school you must consider the numbers to keep the business alive however!
Stephanie ,
We agree that it is all about quality students and not quantity. The focus is on qualified students - those who will pass, stay in school, graduate, and find great employment. In the end if the students are qualified they will drop out. There are heavy costs to all when that happens. Thanks, Susan
Dr. Susan Schulz
flexibility to the students are important weekend schedules are a smart way to work with limited square footage in a school.
Great idea. We usually ask school owners to look at the dark times at their schools. Are there days or hours that the school is empty? Are these times when classes could be held or special courses offered? Can the space be rented out during these times? Using the space brings extra revenue plus people to your campus who can learn about your programs. Thanks, Susan
Dr. Susan Schulz
We traditionally have had only a small number of classes on Saturdays. Over the last 2-3 terms, we have increased the number of Saturday classes. The scheduling of Friday afternoon / evening classes is also on the increase. I have had recent requests to begin offering classes on Sundays.
We have a strong commitment to inform students of their next term's schedule in plenty of time for them to plan their work and family obligations. It is only when we need to make last minute changes in the master course schedule that we start to see dissatisfied students.
Blended or Bookend courses are also another way of maximizing classroom space as they use a combibnation of on-ground and on-line instruction.
Great. It sounds like you are listening to your students and noticing when they are available. We know of a school that offers classes that start at midnight. It does make sense when we learned that there is a factory in town that is open 24/7. The night shift workers are motivated to train for new jobs. When they get off at midnight they are not ready to go home. Going to school works perfectly for them! Many schools find that they can enroll hundreds of students by keeping the school open longer than usual. There are no dark classrooms. Thanks, Susan
Dr. Susan Schulz
I agree it gives opportunity to the busy lifestyles and the students don't loose the opportunity to get heir educational needs.
We also agree that classes should be held when students are available. We know of a school that offers classes at midnight. I questioned them about it. They said students asked for that time. Many worked at a local factory where the shift ended at midnight.They were still awake and didn't want to go home because they wouldn't be able to sleep. Going to school was perfect. The school listened to the students and met their needs. Thanks, Susan
Dr. Susan Schulz