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i have learned that positivity is a plus and i plan on using it  consistently with every student i speak with.

Since having a positive attitude is 50% of is whats needed to be successful, you must find ways to keep it up so it affects your sales skills, Product knowledge, and people skills in a positive light as well.

i think your attiude is the reason somone can change their lifes

Reply to Isaac Nguyen's post: I agree, Isaac!! Our attitudes shape our reality. What stuck out to me was the quote, "atttitude controls your life, but you control your attitude." This sticks out becuase attitude is a choice. If we see things through a positive light, others will gravitite towards the sunshine with you. 

Attitude affects more than yourself, it affects your team and everyone around you. If you radiate a positive attitude, you will receive the same back in return! A great and positive attitude sets you up for success! 

The importance that each role plays. It made me realize missing elements, when one is missing


Your attitude reflects back on everyone.  If a student knows that you dont have a good attitude towards your job and profession, why would they want to come here.  Its CONTAGIOUS!


Reply to Yvonne Silva's post:Agree with you. 

To increase student satisfaction from the moment they enroll at the institution, the frontline personnel must have excellent attitudes. There is nothing more discouraging to be excited about attending a specific school and be treated or ignored by the front desk personnel. That is the very first good attitude killer!

It's critical to understand all these in order to operate.

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