I had no idea some colleges spend on average $2000 in their admissions recruiting efforts per student. This also goes to show the magnitude of responsibility admissions reps have; since they are the face of the college and have a profound effect on its reputation and hook.
meet students where they are with the goal of helping them understand the admission process
The internet has drastically changed the buying behaviours of the students at a much more faster pace than colleges adapt, however, Covid-19 pandemic has had to re-shift may policies and procedures to catch up.
The buying process have changed over the years. Students can gather information before they meet with an admissions representative. In order to be successful, you must build a relationship, trust and customized solutions with each prospects. Dont be a pushy sales person.
It is important to get the buy-in of the student from the point of awareness throught their research, shopping or browsing, ensuring that we captivate their interest and lead them to make a purchase which is their enrollment. I have also learned that the traditional face to face admissions interviews are costly and time consuming. The new hook is a no-pressure approach with prospective students having access to information 24/7. The new hook allows for interaction between admissions and students so that the admissions can get a deeper knowledge about the student. It must be noted that not every prospective student is ready to begin immediately.
Very helpful tips on how to structure one's communication. Like anything, planning is essential along with thoughtful and thorough review of the audience and message. I always like to draft a message, let it sit for a day or two before I deliver it. Also, with regards to email communication...I have the pick the phone after three vollies back and forth. I always find that the two parties are not providing the appropriate context for the conversation to be communicated effectively.
This is my first post related to this communications course. The only initial thougtht I have is that communication is a skill that I have worked on my whole life/career. One can always get better at it.
Great points to take away. It is not able immediate closing, but to approach with a "no pressure way" and adapt to the student.
Not every inquiry will result in an immediate enrollment, Continuing to engage prospective students who would like to delay a start is very important.
I like the aspect of the new hook. Technology has changed the recruiting process. I agree that you have to truly develop a rapport with your perspective studnt. As we say get to thre real WHy and then customize your conversation to address the needs of the inquireer.
I have been at this for quite some time now, (when I started, I didn't have email) and I have seen the admissions process change a great deal over that time. For all that, while how we communicate with potential students may be very different, the end goal, and hopefully result remains the same!
There are new forms of comunication and we can take advantage of them.The buyer's cycle remains the same, except that in each phase it has many more points of contact and information, which opens the windows oportunities for the students.
Student buying behavios is one of the most intersting portion of this course because it explains clearly how they think before enrolling and it also gives the admission's associate tips of how you can become a trusted associate and not a regular sales person. Also, the addmission process remains the same for over years and years, but due to technology face-to-face admission is considered "time consumed."
The admissions model has not changed for many many years, however the students that are currently being served are learning in ways that are very different from the current admissions moded. It is important that AO's adjust their methods to and practices to meet the students in a way that best makes sense to them. It is not good practice to assume that they are not already familliar, because they have most likely done their research.