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Relationship Building in the Admissions Process | Origin: AD200

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Relationship Building in the Admissions Process

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Comment on Zuleyma Loggiodice's post

Building a Trustworthy Relationship in the Admission Process
Xây dựng Mối quan hệ Đáng tin cậy trong Quá trình Tuyển sinh

This module is extremely interesting since it orders us the way we should approach the potential student.

Module này cực kỳ thú vị vì nó hướng dẫn chúng ta cách tiếp cận học viên tiềm năng.

We must be interested in your needs, listen carefully to be able to present the options according to your needs.

Chúng ta phải quan tâm đến nhu cầu của bạn, lắng nghe cẩn thận để có thể trình bày các tùy chọn phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn.

Always offering support with professionalism, showing interest and highlighting the advantages of the program to choose. Always with honesty.

Luôn cung cấp hỗ trợ với sự chuyên nghiệp, thể hiện sự quan tâm và nêu bật những lợi thế của chương trình để lựa chọn. Luôn trung thực.

By focusing on these aspects, we can build a trustworthy relationship with prospective students and help them make informed decisions about their education.

Bằng cách tập trung vào những khía cạnh này, chúng ta có thể xây dựng một mối quan hệ đáng tin cậy với các học viên tiềm năng và giúp họ đưa ra quyết định sáng suốt về giáo dục của mình.

Comment on Trang Nguyen's post

Building a Trustworthy Relationship in the Admission Process
Xây dựng Mối quan hệ Đáng tin cậy trong Quá trình Tuyển sinh

It is very important to build a trustworthy relationship during the admission process.

Việc xây dựng một mối quan hệ đáng tin cậy trong quá trình tuyển sinh là rất quan trọng.

It is necessary to discuss past experiences and planned goals so that both the advisor and student knows what to accomplish.

Việc thảo luận về các trải nghiệm trong quá khứ và các mục tiêu dự định là cần thiết để cả cố vấn và học viên đều biết những gì cần đạt được.

Making sure that both sides put effort into achieving the desired career is key.

Đảm bảo rằng cả hai bên đều nỗ lực để đạt được sự nghiệp mong muốn là điều then chốt.

By focusing on these aspects, both the advisor and the student can work together effectively to achieve the student's career goals.

Bằng cách tập trung vào những khía cạnh này, cả cố vấn và học viên có thể làm việc cùng nhau một cách hiệu quả để đạt được mục tiêu nghề nghiệp của học viên.

Identifying the potential students' goals and objectives is one of the most important steps in the enrollment process.  But the trust relationship is the number one. Once you've earned that trust by listening (and not judging), communication gets easier because the walls come down and the students open up. You can learn a lot of where the students have struggled and what they hope to accomplish. Providing information of your campus and what it offers helps the student reach a decision of whether it's a good match. If you can help the student reach a decision, you're halfway home. Now, are they ready? Be ready to address the obstacles. As advisor, we should provide a clear path for our students. Sometimes it is the path for your students and sometimes it's not but either way, you've helped the student and you did your job. In the happy endings, we were a good match but there are times when some obstacles (like employment bars) can't be overcome.

I have learned about the relationship cycle and how you can apply it to your students. I intend to apply all the materials i have learned in this course onto my mission.

Construir relaciones es un proceso que muchas veces requiere más de una interacción. El reto es generar confianza y seguridad en el potencial alumno para que pueda expresar sus necesidades y motivaciones. Solo a través de la escucha activa y las preguntas adecuadas que orienten la conversación hacia su verdadera motivación podremos evaluar si el curso que ofrecemos realmente cumplirá con las expectativas u objetivos del potencial alumno. Otro punto importante es alinear la misión y la propuesta de valor con lo que el alumno necesita. Es fundamental brindar un acompañamiento continuo y atender las dudas del potencial alumno en cada etapa, asegurándonos de que no se sienta presionado o apresurado a realizar una venta, sino que nos preocupemos genuinamente por entender sus necesidades y ayudarlo.
4o mini

You can't just sell your product/service. You have to connect with the individual, hear them out, have those meaningful conversations, and address all concerns. You can't be pushy and have to hit each step of the cycle in order to be successful and avoid any hiccups later down the road. 

I think believing in your value proposition is the key to encouraging students to believe it as well. 

Building a relationship takes time.  You have to earn the student's trust by listening and provide what they want within reason. We want to ensure that the right applicants are a fit and become successful students within our program.

This course has already shown me the importance of building strong relationships with each student applicant from the very beginning.  First impressions are hard to get over, so I need to ensure that I am responding to e-mails promptly and answering admissions questions confidently to ease the applicant's nerves. Since normally the Admissions staff are the first to interact with applicants, I want to come across as professional and caring and set a positive image for the program and the entire university. I want to motivate the students to apply to my program and continue to develop that relationship to see them through matriculation.

This module on Relationship Building in the Admissions Process has been eye-opening for me. I've learned that building strong relationships with prospective students is not just about selling a program or service but genuinely connecting with them on a personal level. It's about understanding their needs, concerns, and aspirations, and then providing the support and guidance they need to make informed decisions about their education.

Moving forward, I intend to apply what I've learned by focusing more on building rapport and trust with prospective students. Instead of just going through the motions of the admissions process, I want to take the time to really get to know each individual and tailor my approach to their unique circumstances.

It is important to develop a relationship with the student and ensure that their needs are matched with the qualities of your campus or school. Listen and try not to be pushy when helping them through the process. It is important that they be guided to their decision and not pushed with little regard to their needs or concerns. 

I found the model approach to establishing and maintaining a good relationship with potential students to be very helpful. To earn the trust of potential students, it's important to provide exceptional customer service, share reviews and testimonials, and be transparent about our policies and practices. We should take feedback seriously, prioritize our customers, and build long-lasting relationships with them. It's important to establish a personal connection with students by communicating with them on a more personal level, understanding their unique needs and interests, and creating a supportive learning environment. Don't forget to engage with students, take an interest in their lives, and make them feel valued.

It's building trust as you go through the sales process. Understanding their "Why".

Then that "why" will be our focus and motivation for each conversation leading to enrollment.

From this module, I've learned about the importance of relationship selling in the context of educational advising. I understand that building rapport and trust with potential students is crucial for guiding them through the decision-making process effectively. I've gained insights into listening for stages of readiness, identifying students' needs deficits, and tailoring my approach to match their motivations and aspirations. Additionally, I've learned the significance of supporting students' decision-making processes and closing the sale by confidently asking for enrollment.

I intend to apply these learnings by implementing a relational sales approach in my interactions with prospective students. I will focus on actively listening to understand their needs, motivations, and concerns, and I'll strive to provide personalized guidance that aligns with their goals. By emphasizing the value proposition of our institution and fostering a supportive and seamless experience, I aim to facilitate informed decision-making and ultimately guide students towards enrollment. Additionally, I'll leverage the insights gained from this module to enhance my collaboration with faculty and other departments, ensuring a cohesive and student-centered approach throughout the admissions process.

The relationship cycle is crucial to know with building the trust with potential student with the programs offered. Understanding their setbacks is also crucial, which will help paint the big picture for when they graduate. 

I learned how to establish rapport with potential students. Also, is understanding the relationship. It is very important to listen and find the needs of potentials students. What is their motivations and what does my institution offer.

Relationship building and selling is not the same as going to the store and buying something from a cashier. I need to build a relationship with prospective students in order to get student enrollment. However, not everyone will be a good fit for enrollment. I will find this out through relationship building.

to assist anyone interested in the admission process to explain the procedure and requirements that help them understand the complete procedure. 

Students pursue education for various reasons, and understanding their motivations can help educational institutions tailor their offerings and support services to better meet the diverse needs of their student body. 

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