Construir relaciones es un proceso que muchas veces requiere más de una interacción. El reto es generar confianza y seguridad en el potencial alumno para que pueda expresar sus necesidades y motivaciones. Solo a través de la escucha activa y las preguntas adecuadas que orienten la conversación hacia su verdadera motivación podremos evaluar si el curso que ofrecemos realmente cumplirá con las expectativas u objetivos del potencial alumno. Otro punto importante es alinear la misión y la propuesta de valor con lo que el alumno necesita. Es fundamental brindar un acompañamiento continuo y atender las dudas del potencial alumno en… >>>
The course has been of great interest and usefulness to me, helping to reinforce my knowledge and practices in the workplace.
Each university has distinct and sometimes complex needs, with challenging goals at both the commercial and brand level that must be aligned with the institution's values.
Budget control and monitoring, as well as key performance indicators, are crucial at every level because they enable more informed decision-making and ultimately allow for the optimization of available resources.
Always take into account fair consumer practices
The education sector faces constant challenges, for example, in new media comunications, but most with admissions practices. That is why it is relevant to be updated, to have a daily plan to carry out the best practices in admissions. For this, there are online publications available.
If you offer online education inside or outside the state, you must have all the information and communicate it to the student or future student. Also, the Commission meets 6 times a year and this meeting is televised, so we have 6 opportunities to know what can or cannot be done.
The rule is clear, it is important to have a knowledge of the Enrollment Agreement and be prepared to answer questions, also about the transfer of creditm the student and future students must understand that the transfer of credit to their institution or from their institution to another school is not guaranteed.
The admissions staff has an important role and responsibility, to comply and be transparent with the information provided to students and prospective students.
It is important to be aware of the different terms we use when giving information to the prospective student. Some definitions are similar and can be confuse. The objective is to provide clear, honest and transparent information.
It is very important to know the industries where students are being trained to work, it is also essential to know that other regulatory agencies impact our institution and possibly our work. This course has helped me learn more about repayment and credit transfer policies, as well as transparency of information in all areas.
Is a excelent practice sit in on a class to know about each training program offered. This will help us to understand, from the student's perspective, the specifics about each program and how to improve them, see the learning materials, talk with instructors, etc.
From this module I learned the importance of having an orderly and updated Resource Book, knowing clearly the admission requirements and ensuring that these are aligned with Consumer Fair Practices and CIE Regulations
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