What type of information am I allowed to discuss with the parent of a dependent student?
Once he/she becomes a student (as defined by the institution), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the student from having their information released without prior written authorization. Unless there is a FERPA release from the student on file allowing the institution to speak with the parent, no personal, academic, or financial aid information can be discussed with the parent(s) or anyone else, not even a spouse. In the case of a parent, however, the exception would be the Parent PLUS loan because the parent is the borrower.
The following Q&A is on the FERPA website with regard to this matter. However, check with your institutional policies which may have additional information.
When may a school disclose information to parents of dependent students?
Under FERPA, schools may release any and all information to parents, without the consent of the eligible student, if the student is a dependent for tax purposes under the IRS rules. Under FERPA, a postsecondary institution may disclose education records to parents of dependent students without written consent. Neither the age of the student nor the parent’s status as custodial parent is relevant in this case. If the student is claimed as a dependent by either parent for tax purposes, then either parent may be given access under this provision. To make such a dependency determination, a school may ask the parent to provide a copy of the most recent Federal income tax form.
Website: http:/
We are not allowed to give out any information about any active student unless the student has filled out a FERPA form allowing us to release any information about the student.
It is on the ferpa form regarding what department the student give permission to. If your department is checked then I guess whatever questions the parent has for you. As long as you stay in the guidelines.
Are we able to discuss financial aid to a prospective student's (dependent) parent? In particular, if a student does not want to enroll until he/she has an estimate are we able to discuss packaging with the parent over the phone?
I would ask this question of your institution's regulatory person or department as different schools handle such communications in various ways.
Traci Lee