if a perspective student called and left a message can we call that student back?
Regulations allow companies to call someone within the 3 month window after an inquiry. However, if the student asked specifically to NOT be called, that request should prevail, regardless of the timeframe.
if a student is on the no-call list but calls and leaves a message,can you call that student back.
i would think we would still not be allowed to call him/her until they remove themselves from the do not call?
If they are on the DNC list, I thought we weren't suppose to call them back?
Yes we can call them back , unless they are on the national do not call registry.
If a person asks not to be contacted, but then some time later submit another inquiry for information, will that open another 3 month window for a rep to contact them?
If a student calls in or just some one who has asked about our school calls in and states they want to be taken off the DO NOT CALL list, i think the school should take out their phone number.
If the student has remove themself from the do-not-call list we are to grant them with that much respect with not calling back.
Yes. If the student called us and even happened to be on DNC and wanted our assistance we can call them back as well as having the receptionist remove them from DNC if requested by the prospect.