Attendance policy
Grievance procedure
Required hours of program terms
Transferability of Credits
Attendance Policy
It is often that when advising a student, I pull the catalog to show them the attendance policy. I find it much easier to navigate my catalog by adding tabs LOL. I also have to check for addendums to our catalog online.
DeVaria - I am the same way - my catalog is marked up with tabs and highlights to help me find frequently referenced topics. Great point on checking addendums as most schools have updates as "supplements" between full catalog publications.
Diana - good examples of items of interest to students which may be frequently referenced.
It's sometimes disappointing to see students violating basic policies but helpful to have them outlined in writing when you are trying to enforce them.
I would say I most refer to the attendance policy as there are different requirement per program. I would say a close second would be the Code of Conduct.
Costs, Start dates,and Attendance
Attendance Policy
Clinical / Externship
Code of Conduct
Graduation,placement, and pass rates
Licensing fees
dress code
Course outline
SAP policy & refund policy
In dealing with stduent complaints and other student issues, we reference the catalog regarding attendance, dress code and conduct daily.
We offer federal financial aid to those who qualify.
The Attendance Policy, the refund policy and the courses for each program.
Dress code, Attendance Policy, Code of Conduct, Credit for Previous Training, and Class Cancellation are all sections I regularly access--I train new staff on these policies. I also frequently consult the catalog on specific course information related to transfer of credit as I oversee credit transfer.
Kimberly - it's great to have these items outlined in writing when dealing with such challenges.
Good examples. Thanks, James.
Attendance, academic policy. Student services that are available to assist them while they are enrolled.
I most frequently reference the mission statement, the cancellation and refund policies and the course descriptions.
The topic I reference the most during my daily job would be the withdrawal/refund policy in our school catalog, or the attendance policy and how it could affect financial aid eligibility.