Would it be better to have all the disclosures signed at the time of enrollment and then re-visited on the first with PD?
Joseph - my opinion is that they should be covered at enrollment and reference throughout their program. Certain disclosures have to be made annually with updates to the information and evidence of those annual notifications should also be available for audits as requested.
Disclosures are signed when students enroll and the student is provided with a copy of the document they signed acknowledging they read and understand each disclosure.
Like Traci said below some disclosures have to be made annually. Our Home Offie sends these out to each individual studnet by mail. If they are returned for whatever reason is is our responsibility at the campus level to administer these disclosures to each student.
These issues are best discussed at the time the student is enrolled, orientation and periodically during the program.
Monica - sounds like you have a good system in place for the annual discusures to have the campus follow up on any missed deliveries. Thanks for sharing your feedback.
To stay within compliance all required disclosures need to be discussed and signed at time of enrollment. Any changes that would affect the current student needs to be managed. The PD's as well as all campus faculty and staff should be involved as directed.