This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Understanding Title IX, VAWA, and the Clery Act
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I have learned that all three Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Clery act are pieces of legislation in the United States that address issues related to gender based violence and campus safety. Furthermore, I learned VAWA specifically addresses domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The way to apply it at work is to always know who your Title IX representative is so that you may refer any possible misconduct to the school.
Wow? Not sure where to start? I could go over this section again-a lot of Title IX info to process and stay abreast on. The Cleary act, purpose(es), protections and standards are all very important to campus life, structure and safety procedures.
While I am familiar with Title IX, I had not heard of VAWA before, and so this lesson has taught me the key differences between the two, as well as their individual importance.
No person, on the basis of sex, should be excluded from participation in, any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The CleryAct – was enacted in 1990 to require all schools receiving federal monies to collect and publish information about crimes occurring on campus. The Clery Act applies only to institutions of higher education.
I appreciated this training module as a refresher on the topics of Title IX and the Clery Act as well as VAWA. It is so interesting how current elected officials can modify what and who is covered and how with each new term. What I was really reminded of taking this training is the necessity of these laws to be in place to require universities and places of higher learning to protect students in institutions of learning. The extensions and umbrella of protections for persons of all genders is a necessity and I appreciate the enforcement that requires universities to investigate, report, and address all issues associated with gender and sexual/physical harassment.
I learned the differences between Title IX, Cleary act and VAWA and how the laws work with each of them.
Thank You for this. As we all know, regulations are ever changing. I have a much broader understanding of the many types of mis-conduct and what is / what isn't classified as a Title IX offense.
Gained clarity on Title IX and Clery Act and how sexual harrassment should be handled within the school.
Great module, I have learned procedural fairness, basic fariness, supportive measures I also learned the effects of sexual voilence.
Depressions, Flashbacks and Post tramautic stress disorder.
I have gained a deeper understanding of Title IX, The Clery Act, and Violence Against Women Act, including updated made since 2020.
No matter who is involved or notified of a complaint, proper response training is critical. To minimize risk and exposure, take affirmative steps to ensure that employees know their duty.
I have learned that Title IX is in place and designed to address various forms of misconduct in higher education. This gives standards that can be followed so that students , staff and faculty feel safe on college campuses while also preventing or decreasing crime and violence.
I certainly learned more about The Clery Act, when to report, and Title IX requirements standards.
I can't say this training has brought more awareness of violence against women. I grew up with it. It is a reminder of how helpless I was. I'm on the lookout and do my best to be mindful of anything that may put a woman at risk. I'm Proactive. As a man, I set a strong tone that I do not tolerate any abuse of women. A bit old fashion but effective.
I learned the importance of protecting the victim and also that it is important to be fair in the investigation. I learned that during trauma, details can be forgotten and many times there is a delay in reporting the crime.
Sexual harrasment, domestic violence, or any forms of abuse should not be tolerated. Especially in a learning environment. A learning environment is an evironment of peace and growth. A threat to this environment should be corrected immediately by taking all complaints seriously and reported to the correct authorities.