Very involved process and shows a need to ahv competent people as advisors and overseeing the application of the law.
Francis Hoban
This training have brought awareness to what Tile IX covers. What sexual harassment is, the different types and how to handle sexual harassment cases. The university must take action once notify and take step to assist victims/complainant and to remain unbiased throughout the process of an investigation. Having a clear policy is very important as well of having a title IX coordinator and that person or person contact information is readily available (phone, email, office location).
Having complete knowledge of Title IX is benifical to the cmapus and saftey all al students.
As a former paralegal and one with 3 Masters in Government-policy and law is of importance to me. I plan to follow this and any other legislation pending or otherwise throughout my educational career.
This was a very detailed training on Title IX. I learned a lot of things on how certain situations should be handled and what type of policies we have.
There are a LOT of differences between the Obama and Trump administrations concerning Title IX that resulted in skyrocketed assaults. There are also some inconsistencies with terminology which makes it difficult to solidify how to enact the regulation. Some things should be fluid but there are things, like Title IX, VAWA, Clery Act, that should not be so fluid.
Title IX is definatley a cousre that all higher ed personel should take for the saftey of the faculty and students alike.
I learned what Title IX is and its complexity. The class taught me what is included in Title IX and what is the responsibility of the school and its policymaking.
I learned about the time line of Title IX, VAWA, and the Clery Act. The outlined procedure from the time a person comes forward with information about a Title IX or VAWA possible infraction was very helpful.
Overall, I was amazed at the need to be so finite in the description of what is or is not a crime, sexual or otherwise. Over time, there is been a great deal of change thrashing out how to best describe and service those individuals who are hurt.
I have learned that this is so much more involved than I would have thought. Particularly when it comes to what is or is not the school’s responsibility in regards to what crimes are committed. The Clery Geography was of great interest to me. The example that struck me was of the 2 students where Bob attacks Brad with a broken bottle and Brad pulls out a gun and kills Bob. Because the 2 students were off campus, You would not include a statistic for this incident in your disclosures because it occurred off campus at a private facility, not within the school's Clery geography. So, even though it's involving students, it's not included in your Clery Crime Statistics. It makes sense, since it was off campus. It isn’t part of the statistics.
I also learned there is a big difference between a burglary and larceny. The Example made it crystal clear regarding the individual that was not a student breaking into the school classroom as opposed to the student who broke into the school classroom and stole the laptop. Although they are both crimes, would one carry a lesser sentence?
I've learned a lot about the Title IX and various forms of misconduct within the school and how it should appropriately handled in a fair judious manner.
I learned a lot about Title IX and sexual misconducts laws in the schools. The Clery Act is new to my knowledge and this presentation also reinforced my understanding on violence against women.
Hello all and welcome to this training. I have learned many things out of this training such as
All schools must use a preponderance of the evidence standard. That means that it is more likely than not that the alleged behavior happened. There are some schools that, given the nature of these allegations and given the repercussions of a finding of responsibility, have a higher standard-of-proof, which is clear-and-convincing evidence. To be clear, this is not as high a standard of beyond-a-reasonable-doubt. What the regulations make clear is that schools have the option to choose whether they use a clear-and-convincing-evidence standard or a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.
I learned the availability of supportive measures along with other regulations (anonymous or personal).
This is very important for not only schools and universities, but everyone to acknowledge. I've learned colleges and universities should make information about reported crimes and policies readily available to their community. The themes of the law are transparency and accountability. ALso, recognizing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking are very serious crimes. They should be reported as soon as possible
I have learned that these acts are important acts and they should always be remembered. They should be followed closely and respected. If anyone violates these acts, it is our responsibility to report these individuals.