Stay Up-To-Date and Compliant | Origin: CM205
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Admissions Compliance for Postsecondary Schools in Colorado --> Stay Up-To-Date and Compliant
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I learned about making sure that you know the policies of what you can and cannot say to a student to make sure you are staying compliant.
The importance of accurately giving information, and that if a mistake is made its important to address it and get it corrected. Its important to understand the policies.
The best practice is always following policy when going over enrollment and resrouces available to the student.
Know the plolicies...check the website monthly for new updates.
Follow Rules and Regulations (verbiage). Always provide accurate information.
One of the biggest things I got out of this module is how vitally important it is to stay up to date on all policies, and to realize that those policies can change sometimes. In order to ensure that were are staying compliant, providing accurate information, and not using incorrect verbiage, we need to check official websites regularly to make sure no policies have recently changed or to understand any new changes.
the best I can educational support the student the better. Have all accurate policies and information available and do not promise anything regarding a guaranteed job.
The importance of staying up to date on all policies is so relevant to giving accurate information to students. In order to stay compliant, one must be well versed in policies and also know resources to give students the correct answers.