I learned that you must stay up-to-date with department changes and their regulations.
This module has educated me on the importance of staying up-to-date on information and guidelines, as well as how to best stay organized as information changes or updates.
Differences between licensing and accreditation
Organization is key to easily access the information needed at any time. It can be time consuming to learn about all aspects of the institution but it is part of the job to know the material in the process of admission.
It is vital to the institution to keep updated with the CIE norms and regulations and conduct regular meetings with the staff to share new information and updates.
I've learned that as an admission representative, I need to stay update on policies related to student transfer credits, attend trainings to increase knowledge base, and who's responsible for providing certain resources.
I learned the necessary policies and procedures related to the institution and my role. I learned the importance of accreditation and licensed programs. In addition to learning about different marketing policies, I was informed on the policies regarding transfer credits in order to educate students correctly.
Updated resources both internal and external are important in making sure that correct information is conveyed to each applicant/potential student.
the difference in types of transfer credits and the resources of where to find iformation
In this section I was able to understand who I can talk to better understand each department and duties specific to that department.
Understand each program and the industries they're related to. All this information helps me with my admissions process and giving the applicants the most information possible and the best service possible.
Be sure to have the checklist available at all times in order to ensure nothing is missed.
It is very important to stay update with the policies and procedures to avoid mistakes and issues.
The description of each department.
The importance of having a Resource Notebook, transfer credits general policies
I have to make sure that all my resources are kept updated in my Resource Notebook . Proper training is really important.
Definitely, the more informed I am about all the admissions processes, the better confidence I have when talking about all the admissions processes and their different stages.
in this module, I learned about credit transfers. I learned about the police ties that companies have involving the matter and the process students go through in order to transfer.
I found many resources of items to add to my notebook.
In this section I learned the importance of being organized. As a representative of your institution, students and their family members will expect you to be knowledgeable in many different areas. You should have an organized checklist that is up to date and truthful.
The outside resources are extremely helpful