It is important to make sure that you know the rules and regulations from the state and of your institution to make sure that you do no misrepresent the truth. Be honest and with integrity.
Rick Alberty
I consider it very important to keep ourselves up to date with the admission criteria and requirements, and to transparently comply with them.
You should always be honest regarding any information you giving to students.
It is important to share only factual information with current and prospective students. Stay away from embelishment words when talking about our institution and facilities. Only enroll prospects who benefit from program. Follow all established policies and procedures, including regulatory cmpliance guidelines.
Through training, we consider that the potential student is the one who could achieve the advantages obtained by the concepts presented in this training. And helps Admissions to improve the information allowed, establishing the clearest and simplest concepts for the student and the institution.
Transparency and compliance are essential.
How important is to learn about Florida State License and regulations thyat affect admission
As and admission representative you have to be honest transparent and clear with the information that you delivery to the students ,parents and prospective students.
Transparancy is key in the admissions process.
It is important to only give potential students the facts about the school and its program and not personal opinion. The staff musk be knowledgeable about everything relate with the institution. The best way to ensure admissions staff is doing this is to have in-service training to help them understand the best response choices for different scenarios.
To be trained is the best way to provide better service to the student.
Fair Consumer Practices translates to being fully transparent and provide any and all information for the student to make the best decisoins.
Debbie McClendon
Therre are many great benefits of the knowledege of onging training for the Admission Directors and Representatives
to understand and share with propective students.
Debbie McClendon
Great refreshers on information. It is very important to be continully educated on rules and regulations of Admissions.
You should always have proper communication with students and have a good understanding of the position you have taken on. You never want to be misleading to students about your school always be honest upfront and alwasy be willing to give the best feedback possible. Whether they recieve that feedback and do something with it is up to that individual. This will build your skills as well.
You must be familiar with rules and regulations so you can give the most accurate information to a prospective student
Los representantes de admisiones debemos basarnos en los estatutos, reglas y justa practicas del consumidor establecidas por la Institución para dar información adecuada a los estudiantes.
En este módulo vemos la cultura de cumplimiento en donde todas las instituciones deben actuar
de manera transparente y entregar informacion precisa y comprensiva, entender y conocer las reglas y regulaciones
requisitos,capacitaciones,s admisiones
todo el personal se considera representante de sue escuela y responsible
de la informacion, se trabaja con estudiantes solicitantes mujeres, hombres,todas las edades, todas las etnias
se deben cumplir con sus espectativas hacer preguntas y responder las suyas, conocer terminos y definiciones
Como personal de admisiones debemos poder transmitirle a los futuros estudiantes toda la información de la manera más clara y transparente.