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What Is MY Role? | Origin: CM251

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Students with Disabilities: Legal Obligations and Opportunities --> What Is MY Role?

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 I found it interesting that researcher Taub (2006) stated that the attitudes of school principals  can result either in increased opportunities for students  in general education or in limited efforts, by not supporting special segregated education services.  It was found that principals with positive attitudes were more likely than those with negative attitudes to recommend inclusive educational placements for students with disabilities.  Future opportunities for students with disabilities might be reduced by a principal who has a negative attitude, especially if those students are prevented from completing regular academic coursework  required for admission to a 4-year college. Educators who have negative attitudes toward students with disabilities tend to expect low achievement and inappropriate behavior from those students. As a result of this research it is recommended that Educators are aware of these biases and ensure that they do not negatively influence opportunities available to students with disabilities.

Taub, D.J. (2006). Understanding the Concerns of Parents of Students with Disabilities: Challenges and Roles for School Counselors. Professional School Counseling Journal , October 2006, 10(1),52-57.

I found it very encouraging that students with disabilities want to be treated the same as everyone and not concern ourselves with careful selection of words (example provided of dont ask a deaf person if they have heard from their mother recently) that we might naturally inflict upon ourselves.

Being kind and treating all our students with respect and care is key.

Being kind and treating all our students with respect and care is key. To all things in life.

It is very important that as an educator I need to know my role, and the Do's and Don'ts and my limitations when dealing with students with disabilities; even though my intentions may be right and my heart may be in the right place it is not my place to make suggestions, recommendations, and promises that neither I nor the institution may be in the position to deliver. 

It is important to make the student with disability feel that he is being treated the same way as other students in the class.  It is important to focus on their abilities.

Students with disablity of any kind that were discussed in this course should be taken seriously and must be given equal treatment when it comes to equal access to education and education related resources. We as teachers should be supportive as much as we can within the scope of limitation and threshold mandated by laws and institutions and make sure that we do not cros the limit and try to pout ourselves in posiible liability or trouble with the laws even we have best intentions for our students.

Reply to Katherine Conway's post:I agree with you on this and to me all and fairly inclusive educationak program with equal access to everyone rather giving opportunity or extra support to success will always be safe and constrcutive for everyone, especially for us as teachers and keep institution's goodwill

My role is to ensure I get the the student to the compliance coordinator at out Campus if a student states they have a disability


As an dmissions representative I must remember not to let my own experiences, expectations, and assumptions color my advice to students with disabilities. 

Again, this chapter spoke about meeting students where they are and assisting them so that they can have accommodations. If one does not have an answer to a student's question, it is completely ok to say, "I do not know, but I can refer you to someone else." It is good to remember that people with disabilities are people first!

It is informative to know ADA is treated as case by case consideration.  Reasonable modifications may be made to policies, practies and procedures to ensure they are not discriminatory.

Making sure that the right trained person is available to answer the students questions about their disabilities and needs to ensure correct responses

It is important to have a balance of treating the student fairly as a person rather than focusing strictly on the disability. Also, it is essential to train the right person with ADA knowledge to answer the students' questions accurately and assist them as much as possible.

What I learned, is best not discriminate and not to stereotype.  Also treat others with a disability with the ultimate respect.      

I think that it is very important for the educational institution to all be on the same page with a clearly defined process and referral system for students who are inquiring about accommations. Outlining the process, and identifying the appropriate departments/staff members who will be completing the ADA review process is an important step to avoiding any potential miscommunication along the way. 

My role right now is to provide accommodations to students. I have learned who should and should not speak on it, and that admissions should refer students directly to me. I will provide access for students as well as have conversations with them about educational and career paths that can or cannot be done within reason.


If a student discloses that they have a disability during the Admissions process, you should not interject your own opions/experiences into the conversation.  You can talk about the required coursework and what is involved, and then let the student decide if they should further pursue an education in that specific field.  It is always best to get the student in contact with the appropriate person(s) on campus who can best evaluate their request for accommodation as it relates to the individual.   


This module reminds me of the movie Upside where the caretaker was hired because he treated the client like he would every other person. This module brought to the fore the fact that we struggle with these issues unconsciously and we have to ensure that we as educators do not make students wih disability to have self pity because everyone views them with a sense of pity.


I really liked the session on getting started. The first part speaks volume on on getting past our fears that we may say something wrong. I think a lot of people avoid interaction for that reason alone. Great session. Thanks 


Technical standards shoulkd reflect on what a sdutent must do not how it is done. Never ask personal questions about a students disibility

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