It is important to establish a realtionship with your students during the FA process so they will return to you when they receiving counseling from other students. It has been my experieince that a student will give you an opportunity to explain the information if he/she has a solid foundation with the FA Office.
Best wishes in your continued online educational process.
Sincerely, Chyrl
I feel it is also important to realize how much students talk amongst themselves. Yes everyone makes mistakes and students realize this. But if we don't respond to it with a positive attitude, not only is that particular student effected, but that student tells other students who tells other students, and soon 20 other students have been negatively influenced.
It has been my experience that "good" customer service will yield several returns to the institution - referrals from satisfied students, students coming to the Financial Aid staff with questions and overall happier students in the financial aid office. Customer Service requires dedication each day by the staff and the insitition.
I appreciate your comments and participation in this forum.
Sincerely, Chyrl
Outstanding customer service is essential to the success of not only the school and financial aid office but essential to the success of the student as well. The increase in the cost of tuition/education over the last few years has made it more difficult for students to pursue a higher education. If the student gets better service, they are more likely to tell their friends about it, continue their education, and also prevent them from getting inaccurate information about financial aid from other sources.
I consider great customer service to be ensuring that my students provide accurate information in order to participate in TIV. It is my responsibility to make wsure the student or parent understands their rights and responsibilities related to financial aid. Being a tax expert is not what I want to be; however, if it benefits my student for me to carefully and accurately assist them I do my best. I try to remain calm and provide the requirements for why I must ask for specific items.
Excellent questions. Chyrl
Where do you draw the line between providing great customer service & the regs requirement? Since the regs are requiring the FA admin.to be more tax experts/making sure that income indicated ISIR falls within the cost of living, how would you handle an irate student/parent when you ask for more income documentation?
It is outstanding that your school took the time to determine an issue faced by students and then corrected your approach to the students to increase retention and student satisfaction. It is extremely important to always remember that your students have numerous options related to education and strive to provide them with something that other s may not see as a priority - Outstanding Customer Service.
I wish you continued success in your pursuit of service for students and financial aid education.
I was at first surprised to learn that 66% of students left a school because the school's employees didn't consider the student nor their problems to be important. We recently were faced with this issue of Great Customer Service. Our school employees forgot that we are providing a service and not doing the student a favor. As a result, the school re-addressed the school's philosphy and made #1, The student always comes first. By doing this, we hope to improve the retention rates and student and parent satisfaction.
A Student can forgive mistakes, but not bad attitudes.
The first impression in any situation is said to be a lasting impression. In financial aid it is far more economical to do the right things in the first instance, as there is an enormous wastage in time, money and resources to repeat things. There can never be a good "first impression" on a "second attempt". So in financial Aid attitudes have a profound effect on whether you have a happy customer or an un happy customer.
Outstanding customer service is definitely something one must think about daily (sometimes by the minute) in order to provide students with the best possible service. A positive approach to all obstacles and circumstances will insure that your students understand your commitment to their success.
Your participation in this online training is appreciated and I wish you the best in all aspects of your personal and professional career.
I do agree - "a smile and an ear" go a long way in letting each student know that they are important to me and to us, as a school. "Every student, every day, every time." By keeping those words foremost in my mind, each student knows that no matter what the obstacle, there is a solution and we will find it together.
Dear Richard,
Your comment about a good attitude is accurate and this will go a long way in making your interactions with students positive. It is critical to engage the student and parent/spouse in the process to insure that all parties are committed to the successful completion of the student's academic and financial aid cycle. The staff should be alert to students' needs and expectations at all times. Some of the most important conversations will occur in passing with a student.
Thanks for your participation in our online training program. Chyrl
A good attitude is paramount in customer service work. A smile and an ear to listen goes a long way to calming an upset customer. Once that is done, finding a solution to the problem just became a whole lot easier.
I agree with your comments. Whenever you are dealing with a person and their funds the person may be extremely concerned about the outcome of these funds. It has been my experience that the more time you take to reassure students and parents the more satisfied they will be with the process. Financial Aid may be difficult for some to understand and going the extra mile will really pay off in the success of the student.
Thanks, Chyrl
Financial Aid is a particularly sensitive issue because it involves MONEY. I think that good customer service in this department is especially necessary because students may be disappointed by what they are told. If students believe that they are not "getting all their money" in a timely manner, or think that they were led to believe that they would receive aid that doesn't materialize they will have a bad attitude, regardless of how good the academic program is.
I agree with you that everyone has the potential to make an error; however, it is more important how we recover from the error. It is important that all departments within the college communicate with each other to insure a positive attitude is related to the student. Working in a positive manner to resolve student's concerns will definitely be noticed by your students.
Thanks, Chyrl
I agree with this statement. Everyone makes mistakes. The student will realize this as long as we work to correct it with a positive attitude.
I agree with you and I understand that any company or institution must already put the client first. This is the most important tool in order to achieve success. As the saying goes “the client always is right.â€
Outstanding student (customer) service is necessary to promote the overall performance of all aspects of a college. If the service in each area of the college is outstanding the student is going to feel confident in his/her college choice. If the student feels that he/she is receiving the best service, he/she will recommend the college to their freidns, business associates, etc.
Thanks, Chyrl