Jeffrey, I like the way you responded to this subject. Most everyone agrees that all three characteristics play an important role in the success of the financial aid office. It is so important to ensure all students (and Parents) have confidence in the service being provided in a timely, accurate, and professional manner.
David McGuffee
Service would have to be the most important in our porcess. You don't always have control over the timeliness of a file. Students missing documents can delay files. Accuracy is important but we are all subject to mistakes. Good customer service is a factor each employee can control and use to better the organization.
Nichole, I would agree that service is a most important factor to ensure your financial aid office is successful to ensure your students receiving financial aid are getting what they need each day. Really, all three characteristics are important and critical to the student/parent experience within the financial aid process.
David McGuffee
Service. If I am providing excellent service, the other 2 would follow along. If a have a good attitude towards my job and what I do on a regular basis and I will be able to provide the best service. Timeliness and Accuracy are part of a great service.
Myrna, you are so right - all three aspects are critical to the student/parent experience in the financial aid process. Timeliness and Accuracy will ensure that you are getting the student's funding taken care of which inturn means your providing good customer service.
David McGuffee
Accuracy is of the up most importance. With accuracy you are allowed to create a timelinss of all services provided.
Accuracy is the most important process in financial Aid. Accuracy will prevent multiple trips to the department to resolve issues, give the students the confidence in staff and department, and will take care of timeliness and prevenet many customer service complaints and issues.
Providing that world class servcice is all the more important to me for taking that extra time to ensure the overall satisfaction of the customer is definitely key in any organizational setting. It is our duty as FAA's to see to it that the experience that a student endures while completing the FA process is as smooth as possible; for it can be a really difficult occurance.
I too believe that accuracy is of great significance, but at the same time implementing all of the mentioned three items would very well allow the Financial Aid office to operate at its fullest potential. Instead of just focusing on one particular item incorporate all into your daily activities.
I completely agree with your statement! All three are very important factors. However accuracy is essential to our processes in Financial Aid. Inaccurate information, reporting and processing is the most susceptible to audits and concerns that can put your organization at risk.
Service, due to the fact that if the student does not understand the financial aspects of choosing to go to school, that student will not feel confident to make a decision to further their education.
Accuracy is important and you can allow it to drive your office to timeley processing; however, one must never forget the importance of good customer service.
Chyrl Ayers
Alexander ,
If you play all three of these characteristics off each other you will see the benefit of these working in harmony within the FA Office.
Chyrl Ayers
The student experience is very important to the overall attitude of the student; however, I think when providing world-class service you must consider accurate and timely processing. World-class service expresses all three characteristics.
Chyrl Ayers
Agree - all three are necessary components for the student to have a great experience.
Chyrl Ayers
All three items work in tandem with the overall experience of the student; however, accurate processing will ease the burden one may experience during audits or program reviews.
Chyrl Ayers
Accuracy is the most important characteristic of Financial Aid for in my process. I want to give the students the correct information, in order for them to make reasonable Financial Aid decisions. Making a schedule for appointments and follow ups allows me to control time sensitive material. But, if Financial Aid information is not accurate, it will delay the Financial Aid process all together.
All three characteristics are important but it is a very personal choice on where one focuses their emphasis. It has been my experience that accurate processing leads to timely processing and providing good customer service. Focusing on one aspect may strengthen all three characteristics.
Chyrl Ayers
I feel like accuracy would be more important. The timeliness will come with accuracy. I do however feel that customer service breaks down so many barriers that can prevent you from being timely or accurate.
The participants in this post tend to be split between all of equal important or that one is most important with the other two characteristics playing an important role in the process. There is not a right or wrong answer since it is more about your preference. All items are important and work together to make the FA Office successful.
Chyrl Ayers