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An individual's preference on the most important characteristic may vary; however, most of the participants tend to agree with your point. If one is focused on delivering outstanding Customer Service then the accuracy and timeliness must be present and in the forefront. I am in agreement with you that good customer service with a positive and supportive attitude is necessary for students' success.


Chyrl Ayers

I would think Service would be the best answer and encompass the other two choices. I believe that it is counter-intuitive to think that being timely and inaccurate or accurate and slow is good customer service.

Todd, Agree totally with you as most participants to this course do also. all three characteristics are important and go hand in hand to the overall success of the student.


David McGuffee

Accuracy is the most important. Students/customers will always appreciate you more when you do things right the first time.


You have a very valid point on the importance of accuracy and how that translates to the student experience. It has been my experience that all three of these characteristics go hand in hand for a successful student process and experience. If you are accurately handling students then this should translate to good service and timely processing.


Chyrl Ayers

My institution has five 10-week terms each year. With this accelerated pace, both timeliness and accuracy are equally important. If both are a priority, then the student is more likely to perceive they have received excellent service.


I agree with your assessment. Delivering timely and accurate service is always perceived as excellent service. All three characteristics are important to the overall success of the student and their experience when dealing with financial aid office.


Chyrl Ayers

A campus culture that embraces all three elements we are discussing is the foundation for success.

I am of the belief that each of us are made better by our colleagues. Departments, especially the enrollment management triad of financial aid, office of the registrar and admission must work together efficiently and effectively in order to ensure a quality student experience. The Financial Aid team should be encouraged to seek out opportunities to develop partnerships across campus. Collaboration on behalf of student success is paramount and makes the delivery of timely, accurate and excellent service possible.


Excellent thoughts. You are so right on the importance of the enrollment management triad and the importance each component of the overall team brings to the student experience. It takes a village to see a student from enrollment to graduation and all interactions should be based on timely, accurate and excellent service.

I am looking forward to seeing other post from your point of view.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

I think we should show the student a high level of professionalism in the interview using clear language, accurate and understandable for. We let you know the importance of bringing the necessary documents to process your application


Your points on the professionalism is very true when meeting the needs of the students. These characteristics are all important to handling the student professional and ensure compliance with FSA requirements. Communicating the requirements to the student is critical to the student's understanding.

Sincerely, Chyrl
Chyrl Ayers

All three aspects are important and I agree it is difficult to be truly successful in meeting students' needs without all aspects.


Appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the importance of all three characteristics. As you can see from other post many agree with your thoughts.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

All three are equally important. But if I had to choose one, I would say Accuracy. I want to make sure that every file that crosses my desk is clean and accurate. Service is my close second. I believe things are done best with a positive attitude and a smile.


All three are equally important. Without one, such as accuracy, you cannot provide good customer service in a timely manner. Most of the participants have had similar comments on the importance of all characteristics but each have had a focal point as you have.


David McGuffee

All three of these 3 items are very important for the success of a financial aid office. However without timeless and accuracy there is not a good customer service.

Daisy Debs


Your comments are right on point. It takes all three to ensure that the students' experience is excellent. All three characteristics go hand in hand for successfully processing of federal student aid.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

I think this is a great point because I reach out a lot to our academic team to help in assisting our financial aid department. Having that good of collaboration again establishes great customer service on behalf of the student that results in getting the job done and funding secured for the student.

At the college I am at we go by quarters. We have 4 full terms and 4 mini terms within the full terms. Time, accuracy and service are all very crucial in this kind of set up because we need to make sure we provide the best customer service by being proactive and having a good strategy in place to meet strict deadlines. Once we have a completed ISIR on hand we start our follow up and review process within a 72 hour period because of verification or C codes that may need to be resolved and could take more time to get completed. Our goal is to always be 100% submitted aid before our term starts and making sure that we have everything on hand the first time we see the student because we don't want them to keep making multiple trips to complete documents or turn things in that that could have been prevented the first time. If this happens then we are not doing our job in making sure there is good customer service. I train my staff as best as possible to do a double check of the student's file with the student in front of you to make sure we do have everything on hand and that the information provided matches everything accurately. By taking this initial step it really helps us as an institution by making sure we meet our deadline, gather proper and accurate information which in turn provides good customer service to the student.


Excellent response to your approach on all three characteristics of Financial Aid. You provided a thorough look into your handling of the students under all items.

Sincerely, Chyrl

Chyrl Ayers

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