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Exit Counseling

We have a terrible show rate of studnets when we try to conduct exit interviews at the school in a group setting. Do you have any ideas on how to drive more studnets to the group exit interview?


We have a process set for every Thursday from 2PM-6PM where our students are scheduled to come in and complete what’s called an “Exit Counseling” interview. During this time they meet with all the departments involved on the clearance process. That’s where we get most of our students to complete the Exit Counseling Interview online or provide them with the Exit Loan Counseling packet. This process has worked for us for many years.

Thank you,
Romina Kraja
Business Operations Manager
Sanford-Brown College, Jacksonville, FL

When our students for any reason cease to attend classes without us having been able to make the exit interview, try to communicate with them in different ways, the result that more is given us through your email. By this route we send the instructions or requests must provide documents.


It is imperative that your students receive their Exit Counseling so it is great that you offer so many group settings. You never want a student to leave without a clear understanding on their rights and responsibilities under the federal loan programs.


Chyrl Ayers

We also set aside time during class time in the morning, afternoon, and evening for students to complete in a group setting. This helps with the turn out because they are already in class. Those that miss are instructed to see financial aid to complete Exit Counseling.


Good suggestion. This process is definitely a measure to be taken to ensure completion of the Exit Counseling. As Aid Administrators we have to be looking for ways to improve the process daily.


Chyrl Ayers


This is a great idea Alicia! If we get into a crunch time we may adopt this practice. Currently we are not interupting the classroom; but it may assist so we are not scrambling to get students into our office.

We are seeing a low success rate in our group exit counselings as well. Group sessions are the most effective way to complete counseling, but I find that it is more personal to exit one on one. I fortunately have the staff to conduct this; but I know others may not.


This forum has received numerous comments from other students on methods they utilize to ensure that graduates are receiving their exit counseling; however, most struggle with the students that just cease attending. This type of student can be difficult to reach with materials. Do you have any suggestions for the group on how to get these students to respond to exit counseling?


Chyrl Ayers

We do exit counseling during one of their classes. The education team has made the exit counseling part of that course. It is for a professional development course. It makes it easy for ust to do the exit counseling session and have a good show rate as well. When students miss that session, we hand them a package for them to complete and turn back in to us or schedule an appointment for them to meet with us one on one. We also don't allow students to receive their graduation paperwork until their exit counseling has been turned in.


your process seems to be solid and properly executed to ensure students have ample opportunity to meet the requirements when they graduate. The students that disappear from class and unofficially withdraw are the ones that are the most difficult to work with.


David McGuffee

Our exit counseling is mandatory as well in order to receive their transcripts and diploma. It allows us to keep track of each student and why they have not returned these documents to us. We then have a private counsel with students who did not attend the group session.

I work in a private college and we set aside time during one of our class hours to go in and have a group exit interview. This allows the students the opportunity to ask questions and get all the information needed about their loans. We do not give the students advanced notice about the exit interview because some students think that it is not important and they do not show for the class period, which affects their attendance as well. This usually lasts about an hour because our class sizes are fairly small. Some classes may be larger and need more time. We have graduates every 10 weeks and this is a system that works for us.


Your process seems to be solid and properly execute to ensure that students have ample opportunity to meet the requirements. I think mos of us find ourselves most successful with graduates; however, the students that disappear from class are the most difficult.


Chyrl Ayers

I've held group exit interviews in the past, but found it to be unsuccessful, as well. I’ve corrected my process by sending out an Exit notification two months prior to students’ graduation date and two additional notifications are sent, as the deadline to complete their exit counseling approaches. Attached to the notification letter is also the instruction to complete their exit counseling online via Student who fail to complete their exit interviews by the deadline are placed on graduation and transcript hold.


As aid administrators it is necessary to look for new ways to get students into the process and complete. It is always more difficult when working with students that just stop attending; however, exit counseling is so important to ensure that a student has information necessary to satisfy any loan debt that they incurred.


Chyrl Ayers

this is a great idea. Why not initiate a congratulatory party with exit counseling. At my previous position we had a student laon specialist that would see all diploma grads at day of pinning, alwasy got 10)% there. Lienar is always a challange but having somethign to congratulate them with helps.


Most financial aid professionals have methods to insure their graduates complete exit counseling; however, the ones we all worry about are the ones that disappear. Do you utilize any special techniques to insure your drops receive their exit counseling? I am sure the group would be interested in any methods you implore to assist with this type of student.


Chyrl Ayers

Yes! At our school, we make it a requirement of the curriculum...if a student does not show for their exit loan counseling, they are not allowed to attend their graduation, and can not receive their diploma.

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