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our college does not participate in the perkins loan program, is this somehting worth pursuing?


Federal Perkins Loans are part of the Campus Based Programs and very few institutions chose to participate in the program. These are low interest loans; however, most institutions believe the maintanence to be time-consuming. Most of the institutions that I work with have gotten out of the program due to the administrative burden associated with the program.


Although our school currently doesn't award the perkins loan I've read abou the Federal Perkins Loan and it's a low-interest, long-term loan and is specially designed for those students with serious financial hardship. The Federal Perkins loan can help those students otherwise unable to attend your institution.

Also, important to note that there is no new Perkins funds available from the department. Currently running Perkins programs, as i understand it, are existing on repayments of previous loan funds to administer new loans, so a new program would be unable to get the initial funds currently.

This is precisely why we do not participate in this program... it would be wonderful to offer this to our students but the administrative side of this is entirely too cumbersome to make it worthwhile financially for the institution.


Your comments are echoed by many FA Administrators. For several years we have been hearing that the Federal Perkins Program is going to get an overhaul and hopefully this overhaul will make the program more attracted from an administrative side.


Chyrl Ayers

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