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this was very useful, thx


If you are interested in additional information on reporting changes that occur at your college the Student Federal Handbook located at has some excellent detailed information. The information contains a list of when it is required to report before making/disburing awards and when you report without waiting on approval. The information may be located in Volume 2 - Institutional Eligibility, Chaper 5.


Chyrl Ayers

these passages helped provide a better understanding of the requirements needed when changing ownershp and/or notifications and requirements needed when doing so.


I am glad you found the session to be helpful. When we develop curriculum we try to be mindful to what FA Professionals need but organizations are structured differently. However, I think it is important for all FA Professionals to have an understanding of how program reviews and audits work.

When you enrolled in the course I wondered if Rhonda Landolfi could be Rhonda Nabb. Congratulation on your marriage and I hope you are doing great. David and I love to see financial aid professionals we worked with in the past take one of the course.

If you ever need anything let us know.


Chyrl Ayers

Chryl I too thought this session was really helpful. I learned what coud cause a program review. Being new to my campus I am totally unsure of who does all the reporting but I am assuming it is our corporate office in Puerto Rico. When I was told I had to do this training and i saw you and David as fcilitators I thought cool soemone I know. By the way my name use to be Rhonda Nabb (landolfi is new married name). previous school dealt with lots of this as you know but it is always good to know when things needs to be reported to the department.


You know I cannot let you get away with such a brief response. Of the learning objectives covered in this session what was most useful to you. I know that Linda's group handles most of the audits for your colleges; however, were you able to find benefits in this session that will assist you in other areas of TIV Administration. If so, what were those areas.

It was great to final have someone I know attend the FA session.


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