Compliance audits are a good tool to insure a college's administrative capability; however, it is important that college does their own internal review periodically to insure no areas of non-compliance. I often recommend that the staff bi-annually or quarterly to sample their student files and review internal procedures.
Audits with no identified areas of noncompliance, confirming that the school is administratively capable of participating in Title IV programs.
Compliance audits are important and it is important to insure that all departments in the college is within compliance in all areas. The entire college should implement policies to insure the compliance of the all departments.
Thanks, Chyrl
Compliance audits are very important in maintaining your stability to disbursement federal funds.
You are correct that audits do affect the entire college and all departments need to be aware of corrective action plans. It does not benefit the college or the students if only one person or group is responsible for curing an audit issue.
Thanks, Chyrl
Findings within an audit do create a tremendous amount of work for the person responsible for managing the FSA funds. Corrective actions plans affect all departments that are somehow related to the financial aid office. Restructuring how you handle situations on a dialy basis means retraining your staff.
I reviewed your comments on the Compliance Audits and I agree that information could be lost and audit findings may occur; however, could you be more specific in your thoughts on this issue. Please provide me with some addition concerns that one would expect to occur when a college has non-compliance findigs during an audit.
Thanks, Chyrl
Customer service not as good
Lost information
Audit findings
That is correct. Also, the customer service point is very valid. Since students expect the Financial Aid Department to be knowledge, compliance issues that affect the students TIV eligibility would definitely make the students concerned.
Thanks, Chyrl
Loss of Funds
Audit findings
Also customer service would not be as good.
What could occur in a financial aid office that is not organized?
I agree organization in a Fin. Aid office is
It is important to avoid any type of non-compliance finding since it could bring into question the institution's administrative capability. Any type of LST action could result in damage to the college's ability to provide an education for their students.
Thanks, Chyrl
Having several noncompliance findings questions the institutions capabilities bringing forth a possible violation. For which the school will need to make any corrections necessary to avoid a suspension, termination, or fine.
Your comments are right on mark. Severe compliance problems usually indicate an administrative weakness issue.
Once the compliance is a specific area has been lost it does take a great deal of energy and effort on the part of the college to regain.
Thanks, Chyrl
If a college is out of compliance in several areas, a reorganization of management would be necessary to bring the organization into compliance. If the current management has been out of compliance in many areas, a question must be raised about the aptitude of the managers. A great deal of work is required to maintain compliance. Even more work and training are necessary to regain compliance.
I agree that it is necessary to have control and organization in your financial records to prevent noncompliance findings; however, I am interested in your opinion on what could occur if your college is not in compliance. Any thoughts?
general control and organization in any financial records ,
You are correct. These findings will call into question your college's ability to administer the SFA programs and may result in extensive reconstructions to correct the errors.
Thanks, Chyrl
These findings basically put at risk the SFA Program eligibility. No to mention the workload required and necessary in responding and correcting the finding.