The use of policies and procedures are the best alternative if there are any problem questions.
I definitely agree. Through our written policies and procedures we can resolve any problem and we can avoid any audit findings. I understant that the Financial Aid Office must write and update as necessary its Policies and Procedures to be in compliance with Federal Regulations. The F.A. Officers have a great problem solving tool in those documents.
Participating in TIV is an exciting and challenging prospect and as long as you start out with good strong controls on the FA areas you should be fine. It is good to know that previous comments are beneficial in this online educational forum.
Best wishes on your continued online FA education and in the set up of your new FA process.
Sincerely, Chyrl
This thread is really interesting because the school i work for is working on getting title IV funding. Reading everyone's tips here is giving me good grounds for some restructuring i will have to do in my office, mainly as far as filing goes.
A Policy and Procedure Manual that is complete and timely updated is critical in the FA Office; however, it must be periodically reviewed and updated with change to regulations or processes. If the P&P Manual becomes stale it is difficult to insure the accuracy of the process.
Best wishes in your continued online education experience.
Sincerely, Chyrl
I agree, having a school has a solid policy and procedure manual for financial aid procedures is the best way to avoid errors.
I love your mantra; however, I know that it is difficult to practice this with all of the changes in policies, regulations, staff, internal procedures but it is necessary to make the effort everyday to guarantee - 100% Compliance.
Thanks, Chyrl
100% compliance is possible in any audit provided we resort to the mantra of "policies & procedures". Updated, enforced and understood policies and procedures campus wide insure non reportable findings in all annual audits.
Communication between departments is essential as well as regular updates and double checks. Our financial aid office and business office have daily communications and an excellent track record in non-findings on audits for many years. Again, communication and policies & procedures. These solve all problems before they arise.
The entire FA staff should have an understanding of the financial aid process and how students are handled. It is important to develop standard procedures for students and insure these procedures are within the regulatory requirements.
Thanks, Chyrl
Compliance with all FSA standard is very important because it makes each person know exactly how each student is being process without question. Also, when it comes time for our audit, it help to know that you have followed all standard as prescribled by ED.
Compliance is an exctremely important process of the FA process and it is important for your institutions to have policies and procedures in place to insure compliance. Do you currently practice any policies or procedures that would be beneficial to share with me?
Thanks, Chyrl
Internal policies and procedures are a great way o insure that all students are handled in the appropriate manner. It is important that your policies and procedures are update to reflect new federal and state regulations that govern your institution and students.
Thanks, Chyrl
I agree. Staying true to the policies and procedures in running a Financial Aid office will cut down on any issues that will accure.
You are correct in keeping all FA documentation in proper order that meets the regulations will insure that the FA Department is performing at a peak status. It is important that all documentation that impacts FA is also meeting guidelines and procedures (i.e. Academics, scheduling, placement, etc).
Thanks, Chyrl
Ensuring that the FA dept. follows guidelines and procedures as well as making sure documentation is in proper order to avoid errors is top priority.
I agree. If the financial aid department is taking the time to ensure accuracy and efficiency, the business office's processes will run much more smoothly.
optimizing the performance of your financial aid office will be the key points to building an effective business office processing procedure