Collecting Verification Worksheets
Do you plan to continue to collect a Verification Worksheet or do you plan to go to individual worksheets based on the Verification Categories V-1 through V-5? Is there a compelling reason to collect the Verification Worksheet in your opinion?
We have went to customized worksheets based on the Verification Category. This ensures we are only verifying the information required based on the Verification Category the student was selected for.
We have customized worksheets. We created one for each category of V1 to V5 for dependent and independent students (total of 10 verification worksheets). I do think this helps, because it details and explains to the student, what information is needed under his assigned verification code.
Great way to approach the new process with the separate Verification Categories. We did the same process for our clients and they have found this to improve the student's experience and understanding.
Chyrl Ayers
We have individual worksheets for V1 through V5, independent/dependent students, and tax filers/non-tax filers. It is roughly 20 different worksheets in all. We keep all the worksheets on a shared drive. When we receive the ISIR, the FA representative provides the applicable Verification Worksheet to the student to avoid confusion. An open-ended verification worksheet leaves too much information to be incorrectly reported.
I agree with your comments. When verification changed in the 2013-2014 award year we took the sam approach - evaluate the category and only require documentation specific to that category and the student's (parent if applicable) situation. It has drastically reduced errors and the creation of conflicting information.
Sincerely, Chyrl
Chyrl Ayers
We use customized verification forms.