We have scheduled visits to classrooms for Interviewing Techniques and weekend seminars on Marketing Yourself for Success. It is an interactive and fun workshop where I give out small prizes for the best handshake, the absence of slang in an answer, and good eye contact.
For our really shy students, I give out hand mirrors for them to use when they are talking on the phone with their friends. They can practice eye contact in a comfortable setting and get used to being at ease looking at someone when speaking to them.
Another tip I give them is using a clear antiperspirant on their hands about an hour before their interview so they won't have to worry about a 'wet' handshake.
These are a few of the things we do to help students prepare for their interview experience.
Wow Lucille - really practical and fun tips. When there is fun in learning anything, there is more learning, and more receptivity to learning. And it gets the nervousness out of the way. Thanks, Susan
I love that idea! Here is a challenge: I am responsible for placement at an online school. How would you suggest working this into our department?
HI Faith
It is not difficult to offer career services to online students. Use the same learning management platform as your courses and design your services just like a course. And of course include a facilitator. There's reading, examples, assignments, and more. Like many online courses, often they are more rigorous than in the classroom. Good question. Susan
I guess I am having a hard time coming up with a way to make a mock interview as effective over the phone or on an email as it is face to face.
Can anyone give me suggestions on how to set up mock interviews for my online students? I have thought about conducting an interview over the phone with the student or contacting employers in their area to try and see if they would be willing to conduct a "practice" interview in their establishment.
HI Faith
It's a challenge but do-able. First create a lesson plan all about interviews with practice questions. Have students prepare the answers. Then create an online test where students get random questions and have to answer them in writing within a certain time frame. Have the responses graded and sent to the student for review and then have the instructor set a time to go over the plus and minus of each interview response by phone. Students can practice with friends and relatives if you provide a grading template. And students can practice with willing employers in their area. Lots more ideas. Just brainstorm and evaluate everything and you'll have a great program. Susan
No problem, Faith. If you are having a problem form a committee and pose the problem to them. If you choose your committee effectively then you'll get lots of great ideas. Be sure to include online students. You can pose the question online and get effective responses from the students who will benefit from the training. The answers are usually out there. We just have to remember to ask. And include the right mix of people. Thanks, Susan
We use role play. Students are always worried about it in the beginning, so I generally start in a low key fashion by interviewing them as a group. I direct key interview questions to the group and let volunteers answer, then discuss the answers.
As the group gets more comfortable in that setting, we move on to mock interviews done by individuals.
At the end of every weekly Job Search Workshop we discuss two or three difficult interview questions and different ways to answer them. That way, if one of these questions should get asked, the students will have had a chance to think about it.
HI Mary
Very effective way to deal with role playing. You have recognized that people are shy about interviewing even if it is with their peers. You have shown us how to build up confidence. Have you considered video taping the interviews and also having employers stop by to hold practice interviews? Thanks, Susan
We don't currently videotape, again because we are trying to keep the intimidation factor as low as possible.
Having employers come to do mock interviews is a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion.
We start getting them use to the interview enviroment fairly early. I also like the idea of taping the practive interview and going over it with the student. Sounds like an excellent tool.
Hi Richard
We agree that career services should start early and be part of the student's curriculum. We also feel that students need public speaking skills. That's in part what interviews are - being comfortable speaking with someone you don't know. We have seen students improve their interview skills by giving them topics to talk about with no prior knowledge of the topic. You can make it a game in the classroom or in a workshop setting. Thanks, Susan
Hi Mary
Interesting thought on video taping. We are for lots of practice and for students to see and hear how they are doing. We like video taping. So how can the intimidation factor be reduced? Because that is certainly a goal. We don't want students to feel intimidated when they go for interviews with the "boss" or decision maker of a company. What you might do is show videos of your staff being interviewed. Make it funny. Show all the things that can go wrong. Talk about how the person could have done better. This might pave the way to effective student videotaping practice interviews. Thanks, Susan
Hi Richard,
You're right, the earlier the better; some reps believe that the taping of a practice interview can be intimidating; this can be the case, but I think it is how it's presented - as a practice tool. When students can privately view themselves in an actual practice scenario, they can see first hand strengths and challenges - "A picture is worth a thousand words"...
Jay Hollowell
Hi Wilma, Yes, role playing is a great way to get students ready for an interview. But it is only one of many many techniques to truly prepare a grad for success during the job search process. Can you create at least 10 ways to train your students in employment skills? First you might want to start with an interview and understand how the student feels about seeking a job. YOu might discover there is a lot of fear. What can you do to ease the fear and offer the student skills? How about group discussions? Watching videos about successful interviewing? Practicing and feedback with other students? Mock interviews with real employers? And lots more. Successful placement departments have many many activities to offer to assist students through the job search process. Best wishes, Susan
Excellent tips.
I find that every tip that reinforces that the grad is not unusal, but like 99% of the other grads,automatically gives them renewed confidence.
Good point, Jack. Students need confidence as well as skills to get through the employment skills and job search process. Confidence is built over time. It takes learning and practice. Susan
Yes, the students a very receptive to role playing. They can see how important it is to be professional during interviews when they are on the outside looking in