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Convincing students to release work information upon being hired

Sometimes our students/grads don't want to release their work information after securing a position in the field of their training. The reason they offer is that they found that particular job on their own. They seem to forget about the help they received with building a resume, cover letter, interview techniques, and so on.
Any suggestions on how to hadle such cases?
Thank you.
Irina Alexandru

There are great opportunities by staying in touch with graduates. One is that you have their contact information and can reach out to get employment information. You can ask them about job openings and externships where they work. You can get feedback about how their training meets the needs of their job and employer. Socializing and information sharing is great and extends your brand and provides long term marketing. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

I really do love the idea of inviting the graduate students to come back all at one time to socialize and what-not to help get them to give their job progress/information.

Great process, Wendy. We suggest meeting with the students a few months prior to graduation and then closer to graduation date. Somehow the meeting gives them a boost to complete, especially as they get tired towards the end. Also it gives you a chance to obtain and then update their contact information. And to see how they are doing to head off any problems that could be a barrier to completing. Thanks, Susan

I do the same thing. I meet with each student before graduation and have them fill out all the necessary paperwork and the employer verification form is included. I explain it to them, have them sign it and I can fax it off once they are placed. It makes the process much faster and easier.

Hi Candice
Interesting to ask students if it is ok in light of the fact that you need to get their placement info. Has results changed since doing this? We would rather see students sign an agreement to provide information about their placement and agree to be contacted 15, 30, 45 and more days upon completion. Makes getting a job and keeping in touch a requirement and not an option. Best wishes, Susan

In our current exit interview we ask students is it okay to follow up after completion. Sometimes this is just a simple check in a permission box but to confirm that this is okay we ask student to provide their contact information also. That way there is no mistaking what we are asking for.

HI Gina
What a great opportunity to set up the placement department from the ground up. You can put in a solid infrastructure. Do some great planning, set goals, put in ways to measure progress. A way to really see the results of your efforts. Good luck, Susan

GREAT IDEA.....I will start doing that as well. I am setting up a Placement department from the ground up at a new school. Would you please be kind enough to send me the form you use w/ the release signature at the bottom. We still are putting all of our forms in place. I am enjoying the challenge but at times it is difficult to be a “one women team.” I would really appreciate the help. You can send it to

Director of Placement/Etern Coordinator

Bonnie - Great strategy - easy and it works. Amazing. We need to think about simple solutions to all our issues. Thanks, Susan

We have to obtain both 30 and 60 day employment verifications at most of our schools so to avoide any issues when this time arrises, we have the students sign a realease that is at the bottom of the employment verification forms at orrientation (because we're alreay planning on their success). We place these into a file until the students placement file is created later on and then when its that time, we complete the necesary info and fax to the employer. The employment vrification is then faxed back to us and we're done! :)

Let us know the results. You'll have a lot of surprises. Grads like to stay in touch with their school and friends. Thanks, Susan

Actually, that is an excellent idea
we usually tell graduates to come back but we have not initiated it....which we should start

this would create a huge impact on our current students.

Thank you

MariaElena, Another fantastic placement strategy. thanks. Maybe grads keep in touch with each other because they worked in teams on the job search process. So why not invite the teams back to school to help give presentations or just to socialize. In that way you'll get the info you need and also keep grads as sources of referrals, enrollments, and more. Thanks again for sharing such a great idea. Susan

Well this is a hard one.....

For those that do not want to release information we send out an incentive letter that. When we recieve thier employment verification with the 60 day verification signed by their employer they can choose from the following choices;
gas card
dinner for two
movie tickets
gift certificate for groceries

with the approved dollar amount from your Director of course.

We also remind students before they graduate that even if they obtain employment on their own to remember they obtained the skill in the trade through us and in order to keep our doors open their employment information is crucial.

This approach does decrease the number that will not give us information, however there are still those that are stubborn ....

It is funny sometimes that I will end up knowing of a placement through another graduate that was either recruited by the one I could not get information on. Graduates also do keep in touch with one another and it seems to come up in conversation. So keeping in touch and building a good strong rapport with graduates does help.

Sometimes that person that did not give information on employment ends up coming back to us at times for additional placement assistance after being laid off etc...

so just giving students those examples before they leave help (not about the incentive though then everyone would not tell us about their jobs hahah)

This one is hard though.


Hi Kate and Irina

So much valuable info can be gotten by talking with a grad's employer. But of course you need permission. We suggest including it as a check box on exit interviews. Sometimes it's just that simple. Then send the employer a survey asking how work ready the grad is and what additional training may be needed. Let the employer indicate if s/he wants more info from your school. It's a way to build enrollments and at the same time get valuation information.
Best wishes

Hi Irina,

Would it be possible to work something into the front end of the process? For example, could you let the students know:

a) how important their job information is to the overall success of the program, and

b) get their buy-in before they graduate to participate in that aspect of the program? (perhaps in the form of a signed statement)

Being so new, this is something I have not yet experienced. Thanks for bringing up the topic.

Kate T.

Hi Irina
Interesting situation. Grads do have the right to say no. You might want to motivate them by saying you'll send info re job retention and promotion. And then the altruistic motivation that other grads may be helped by their feedback. Good luck, Susan

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