You are so on target with your ideas, and the fact that your involving your school's communication department is just great. I have no doubt that your students are reaping the rewards of your focus and innovation.
Elizabeth Kemler
Challenges tend to arise from gossip and the nature of wanting to fit in. Encourage students to focus on work and simply walk away from those that try to sway them to their unproductive side.
This is so true..its easy to get sucked into gossipy types of relationships when you're new to a place but you'll always end up looking better and making more allies by avoiding these.
Elizabeth Kemler
Students may be faced with not knowing what to do or maybe tagged as "too slow". They need to know that they are new and that going slow now is okay as long as they are learning the job and being safe. Know what they are doing and do it well, speed will come with time.
This is really good advice. Most of us put undo pressure on ourselves when we don't get something right away, which of course makes it harder to learn the task and 'speed up'. Giving ourselves the time and space to get up to speed (so to speak) really helps the learning process along.
Elizabeth Kemler
One challenge that I've seen to be more common then anything else is when my students are out on extern the staff does not let them physically do anything. My student will call me and say "all i do watch" or "they don't let me do anything". I try to tell my student to relax its only been a few days and to understand its just as uncomfortable for them as it is for you!! The staff will slowly get to know you and slowly feel ok about you handling patients. And if not ask then to speak to a supervisor (discreetly) explaining your concern that they want to do more and usually that helps.
I can understand the students frustration but ultimately, pushing for more responsibility before the staff is comfortable could cause problems. What do you think though, about advising them to gently, tactfully speak with the staff directly before going to the supervisor?
Elizabeth Kemler
I find students being unsure of what they know being a large problem. When trying to set up an internship or applying for a job students that have difficulties or are unsure of how to answer questions. I ask them to come back and work with the instructors to help build up their confidence.
I have also seen this a lot which is why I included in my program, exercises to help them identify the job-relevant qualities and skills they already possess and have developed through the work they've done over the years-even if it doesn't relate directly to the job they are applying for. It really helps to go over all the qualities and skills required for a particular job the student is interested in, and match it to a list of those qualities and skills they already possess.
Elizabeth Kemler
Students may experience isolation because of the student status. I would allocate time to communication continuously in order to encourage and assist the student through any stress or feelings of uncertainty.
It sounds like you have a good understanding of your students' challenges and how to offer the needed support.
Elizabeth Kemler
Quite a number of our students are non-traditional students, career changers, or entering the workforce for the first time. One of the challenges is adaptability to the new work environment. In culinary school, they are taught all the proper ways from sanitation, knife cuts, food handling procedures. When students go out into the real world, they sometimes find some of the things they learned are not observed in the work place. We advise students to go by their high standards and do the best they can and do the right thing. They should also speak with their supervisors about their observations and how he/she could help improve the situation.
Maria Rosario,
I like your advice to hold to the high standards; my concern would be reporting the lack of high standards to a supervisor because it could potentially create a hostile work environment for the new employee. What do you think?
Elizabeth Kemler
I've had students encounter professional jealousy where they were more prepared as an extern or new employee than a manager or supervisor. I've also known students to act out with attitudes as if they were better than employees with more seniority and experience. It's one thing to have confidence, but another to demonstrate an obnoxious attitude every day at work.
Unexpected questions, nervousness, unprofessional attitudes by other employees.
I think the always keep your dignity is a great system to work through the process. Also the win win mentality.
So true! This is why I think working on communication skills is so critical to students' success in the workforce.
Elizabeth Kemler
Its a tough thing to do but so important; it enables you to hold your head high even if other people are behaving poorly.
Elizabeth Kemler
The biggest challenge I have is that a student will not have worked in the industry prior to externship and they have no idea how difficult the work can be. It can also be monotonous and stressful depending on if you are in the right place to match your skillset or not.
This is a tough one; how do you typically prepare students to meet this challenge?
Elizabeth Kemler
Internships and externships are a great way for showcasing skills, work ethic, teamwork abilities and communication skills. However, some students simply give the wrong impression during those times. Most of the times, it is falling into whatever negativity that may already exist in the workplace. I remind my students that understanding the culture of the workplace is one of the most important things ever. When they are aware of the culture, power makers, decision makers, trouble makers, they can plan ahead and align or avoid. The student must understand that they are not their to cause issues, but to contribute and provide value to what they are doing. This is their opportunity to network and not one to make friends; there is a huge difference. Encourage your student to maintain self respect and dignity and respect others at all times. Learn as much as they can and do not try to create waves or issues. I strongly encourage them to stay away from gossip, especially.