Two-World Collision | Origin: CS108
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Supporting Veterans in Becoming Gainfully Employed --> Two-World Collision
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I've learned that there are many things we can do to assist veterans with their transition into the civilian world. Setting expectations for them will allow a smoother transition. I plan to implement one on one workshops with veterans that will set these expectations and give them space to work through scenerios.
There are many ways that civilians can help veterans cope woth fear, stress, anxiety, and loss. Veternas learned many skills in the military that are transferrable to civillian life. They deserve respect and acknowledgment.
I have learned that the stereotypes towards veterans is highly inaccurate and they posses valuable skills for the workforce.
Unfortunately I learned their are many negative stereotypes that hinder vets. I believe regardless of what a vet says or does, some employers have experienced an issue with vets they have known personally. Moreover, Hollywood/media portrays vets in a negative light. I watched too 'Rambo' movies.
Comment on Nicole Lovelace's post: Great move Nicole, thank you. Also we can assisst veterans by appreaciating them.
Much of this I already knew, but I appreciated the refresher.
Veterans face inaccurate stereotypes that can limit the employers willing to hire them. Understanding the fallacy and limitations of those stereotypes is key to hiring veterans.